00.29 [i know it's the end]

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          you could cut the tension with a knife, but could you blame us? we've been holding it in for so long it's bound to spill out any second, we sat on opposite sides of the room.. i sitting on a nice white sofa chair just starting at my palms not knowing what the exact words to say..while  he sat on the matching couch.."so uh, sorry are we here to talk about the moving situation?" i look up from my palms "what situation?"

          me and vinnie are still technically married for about five years now, we had our son into our two years of marriage but after five years you kinda just lose a feel."well vin, uh we both talked about this situation many times-" he cuts me off "no we haven't, i mean like who moves to Chicago? you never talked about moving there-are you seeing someone?-" i laughed "seeing someone? please don't make me laugh." i though my head back in laughter

           "this isn't a joke, why are you talking kai with you to Chicago?" he sounded more demanding "because he liked it there. and don't act so demanding please." he stood up from the couch "do you know what it's gonna do to that kid? ever year flying back and forth from Los Angeles to Chicago? like do you only think about yourself!?" that's when i stood from my seat "don't say that i don't care about my son, I'd do anything for him!"

            "oh and stop playing the victim! it's hard for me too vin! it wasn't my choice to move there i got a job! i took the opportunity!" he walked out from the living room out the kitchen, and i followed him "it's hard going through this fucking divorce! when you have to work with someone who acts like there father!" he turn to look at me, charging at me "don't compare me to him." "i wasn't." i slowly backed up " why do you care so much if I'm seeing someone or moving to a different state and taking kai with me?" i threw my hands in the air

            "but it's completely different when you slept with you coworker! but you don't like it when I'm out your ass!" "you stopped sleeping with me! both sexually & regularly!" he said "i didn't fuck anyone when i wasn't pleasuring you! because i had a ring on my finger even if it meant that i didn't or wanted it there!" i pointed at my ring finger time like these it where i just wanted to smack the stubbornness out of him but i couldn't that stayed with him forever "i didn't wanna get married! you wanted so much so fast. and-and i panicked i was really out there i was young and had an amazing company that was finally starting to be recognized.. b-but you bitch had to ruin everything, you wanted to win!

            "that's not my fault!" the tears fogged up your eyes finally making they way to your shirt "why can't you just stay here? though i don't want you here I'm only doing this for my son-but i don't even know!" "your so stubborn, and cruel." i said "your worst decision I've ever made in my life! i-i wish i didn't meet you! you selfish bitch! i hate you."

"see, this is the exact reason we are getting a divorce." i started getting my bag & started walking towards the door" and I'm still going to Chicago, and I'm taking kai with me, asshole." i said slamming the door behind me.

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