00.24 [why?]

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•[y/n] pov•

"why? why can't we just get over ourselves?!" the tiny light from the front door was bright enoughfor me to see his tall figure & curly hair it was pretty dark sense night fall was upon us so fast, and the cold but i didn't mind.

it was a cycle we'd try to make it together but we just don't like be verbal with each other " I don't know! if you wanna keep this thing going work on yourself." he basically bends over trying to get his point straight "then why are you here?" i cross my arms leaving him silent "tell me." i asked for the second time.

"see you leave home standing here, like a- a idiot I'm talking to a wall! i try a-and try but it's never worth anything!? is it!" vinnie wasn't gonna lose a fight with one of his best friends, he would say here till he got an idea or answer, "so what is it, do you wanna try?" "I've been trying with you! but it never works- find someone who understands you, vin go out there get you someone who's gonna keep you on your toes all day."

•vinnie's pov•

"but I don't wanna be with anyone else." i said that in a whisper

"i wanna be with you, even if it means that I'm your second, third choice. shit even if it means that you don't talk to me in years! i want you seeing you at you're best or at you're worse I'll be right there. it kills me just seeing you knowing I'm not doing shit so that you'd be with me! i wanna give you everything. who am I gonna come to from a long day at work? i wanna come to you. talk, or do anything with you i want to be your idiot, why you ask?" at this point she had tears down her face on her shirt "

"answer me." I said "why?" she choked on her tears "why do you wanna be with me so-bad?" she said "because i love you. and frankly you love me, we can't change that but be together." i said hugging her "but it hurts, seeing you so stressed because of me." i laughed "loves a bitch, you never hurt me."

"you've only made me stronger, fearless."

_____________________uh hey 😱 sorry for this <3

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uh hey 😱 sorry for this <3


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