00.35 [late night end]

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you liked sleeping, everyone did it's human nature for someone to get a good night rest but it was different for the two lovely couple, "how it is already four?" you checked your clock that sat perfectly on the right side of your bedroom, " i don't know, and i don't care let's keep talking," you smiled he just got back from a long flight & he swore he wasn't tired and insisted on staying up & talking, " i would love to but you can't even keep your eyes open for another minute." he was quick to open his eyes "no i am fully awake not feeling sleepy yet," he lays on his back with his hands on the back of his head. "you've been telling me that for the pass hour, time for bed big boy," he gave a tired smile & nodded his head.

"okay you win this time, but next time we stay up all night," you get comfortable to finally sleep "okay," you said shutting off the lights "love you, [y/n] have sweet dreams," then he kissed the top of my head, and i promised next time I'd stay up with him no matter what.

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