00.17 [pluto]

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vinnies pov-

we awoke, well lani woke me up with her fussing but I don't mind. [y/n] had a very important day today, and left me with lani... me and her have a very nice connection understanding each other without saying anything.. though she can't talk we still understand one another.

"you want food?" her curls were all over the place, just like yours "eat?" I spoke in a baby voice she laughed at how ridiculous I sounded like "that's a yes." picking her up & taking her to the kitchen, "how about a simple breakfast?" I liked speaking to my daughter she needed that, i just know that's she's gonna be very talkative and I don't blame her. then [y/n] calls

hey loves! just checking in.

hey babe! how's your photo shoot going?

it's going fine just tired, but how's baby?

she's doing great, eating. she laughed at me though.

*laughs* well if you guys wanna come by later, you can?

yeah, maybe just gotta get her and me ready and we'll be there. love you!

okay bye, love you lani!

say bye baby.

[call ends]

"okay bathtime, because you stink." I always wanted to be a father who spoils their kid, but not too the point where they expect everything handed too them. just the normal you know "should we go lazy?" she didn't really care she just put her hand in her mouth "yeah lazy, mama won't like that.. but oh well" changing her & packing her diaper bag. "now for dada?"

[y/n] pov-

they gave me a(n) hour break, just so i relax. but right now all i want is my two babies too be here. "do you wanna change into your robe?" my manager said "yeah sure, need to get out of these clothes." after i change & had a little snack. they finished my hair touch ups. "yeah no, i wanted that day off." i said to my second manager on the phone "if that's fine, i just wanna spend more time with lani, you know?" "yeah not it's fine [y/n], but you'll probably be booked all next week." " that's fine, just wanna relax with my family." when i got pregnant with lani my love completely changed.

time felt really slow on bad days & time felt fast on good days. it's was as if was just bring her home yesterday, missing her being a tiny baby who just slept all day. but she's gotta grow up & be the independent working woman she is. she's gonna be very hard working like her dad. if he wants something done he's gonna get that done, not a care in the world. "[y/n] you got visitors." in walks vinnie "hi love!" you give him a kiss, " I missed you." he said " did you? because I missed you more." you said " impossible." you laughed "and who do we have her?" lani seemed uncomfortable in her car seat "hi baby, you missed mama?" "you guys are too cute." in the break room there's a couch, the three of you cuddle for the moments of your break. " I don't ever see a life with you." vinnie said " me too." lani slept in your arms while vinnie took pictures.

" lani slept in your arms while vinnie took pictures

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