00.10 [godspeed]

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you & vinnie have just recently moved into a apartment with your newborn, the big city was never on the list when finding a home for the two of you. today is the second week of moving in you though it would be easier but you guys had so much stuff to pack & bring to the new place but overall you two were excited living with each other.

" we hit the milestone!" vinnie ran around the apartment it's two in the morning & we're going crazy unpacking stuff & putting it in it's right place, the kitchen & baby room was the hardest part because all your family gave you guys 'new house warming gifts' whatever it's called "babe, she's sleeping" you pointed at solana she lays on the couch surrounded by pillows "sorry, but anyways about furniture shopping?" "where do even start?" you asked

it's three in the morning you & vinnie took turns on who watches solana while one of you unpacks, half asleep vinnie finally had enough "let's go to bed, please." you lifted yourself from the floor & walked to your shared bedroom vinnie carefully out solana on the bed between the two of you. sleeping peacefully next to your family.

in the morning the three stayed home most they day, but you just had to go out and eat. the sun hit perfect golden hour was upon us, " how cute can you guys be?" vinnie looked him 'awh' at his girls " lemme take pictures of you two." he took pictures of you two in the sun, you didn't wanna post any these were memorable you liked the little thing with your family " hi hi, oh my gosh cutie" you talked to solana in a baby voice " babe you doing it again" vinnie laughed at you.

______________________sorry i wasn't posting so here 🏌🏽

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sorry i wasn't posting so here 🏌🏽


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