ferris + foster

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name meaning of Ferris: "mythical wolf"
• also fun fact, I used to be OBSESSED with the name "Foster"

f o s t e r


Ferris and I are currently at Kings Island with a bunch of people from school on an overnight field trip. I wouldn't class all of them as friends because... yikes, but a good chunk of them are friends.

Ferris walks over to some carnival games, stopping at the one where you throw basketballs through the hoops.

"That thing is rigged," he mutters when he walks away.
I laugh. "Of course it is, that's how they make their money," I tell him.
He pretends to hit me and I pretend to shove him.

Ferris and I have been best friends since we were in the fourth grade. We bonded over glue sticks; we were given a project that needed glue, so both of us went to the glue bin at the same time and grabbed the same "brand" of glue. We both decided that it was the best glue and agreed to hang out at recess that day. The rest is history.

We meet back up with some friends, including Tory, Josh, and Piper.
"Where were you all headed?" Josh asks.
Ferris and I shrug at the same time.
"We were just wondering around," I say.
"We were going to go ride some rides. Wanna come with us?"
Ferris and I nod. "Sure,"

Tory hits Ferris's shoulder. "Ferris! Look! It's your wheel!" She says.
Ferris fake laughs. "Haha, very funny,"


We've just gotten off of the Scrambler and Ferris wants to go ride The Racer and then The Banshee.
"We should also ride Orion, The Beast, and The Diamondback!" Ferris says and we all agree.

The Diamondback used to be the tallest roller coaster in the park; it stands at 230' feet at its tallest point. But the Orion is now the tallest one at 287' feet.

We just got off The Racer and are heading to The Banshee. A few more friends— Lauren, Vanessa, Riley, Wesley, and Hannah— join up with us, although Wesley and Piper decide to sit this ride out and wait for us by the exit.

We've ridden The Racer, The Banshee, The Diamondback, and The Beast and are now heading towards Orion. Everyone is riding this one since it's the tallest.

"Are you nervous?" I ask Ferris, nudging his shoulder with mine.
He bites his lip. "A little bit," he admits.
"You can hold my hand," I tell him.

As we stand in line for the ride, Ferris leans back against me, pulling his arms around me.
"Are you cold?" I ask him.
"A little," he says.
The sun is starting to go down so it is starting to get chilly.
"I'll keep you warm," I whisper softly.

Tory looks over at us, snapping a quick picture.

When we get on the ride, the people are going around making sure that everyone's belts are on safely. I grab hold of Ferris's hand, letting my fingers slide in between his.

When we get to the big drop, he squeezes my hand, and I squeeze back to let him know it's okay.

When we get off, he drops my hand but still stays close to me.

"Hey, you guys go ahead, Foster and I are going to hang back for a bit. I need to find a drink," Ferris says, grabbing my wrist and pulling me to the side.

"We're standing in the trees, I don't think you're going to find a drink here—" I start, but Ferris is on top of me before I can say more. He presses me against the building, kissing me roughly and holding me close to him as he cups my face.

His lips fit against mine perfectly and I can feel his body heat radiating onto me.
"I love you," he gasps against my lips, kissing me again harder.

I grab his hips, pulling him toward me and lifting him off of the ground; he wraps his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck.

He pulls away slowly, leaning his head back.
His lips are red and swollen, but mine probably are too.
"I love you," he says again. "Fos, I don't care who knows,"
I let him down, but still hold him close to me. "I love you too," I whisper, kissing him.


Luckily, the ride home is dark and Ferris and I say that we're super tired so we're able to duck out of the bus and into the elevator unnoticed.

I insert the room key and we go into our shared room. We checked in earlier, so our stuff is already in here.

We take turns showering and getting ready for bed, and then we both fall onto a bed.

I look over at Ferris, a smile on my face; he comes over, laying down beside of me. I pull him closer to me, kissing him again softly.
"Goodnight, Fair," I whisper.
"Goodnight, Fos," he whispers back.

Yes, I have been to Kings Island, but the only rides I've ridden that were mentioned in this story were The Banshee, The Racer (my fave) and The Scrambler. I've ridden others too, I just didn't mention them here.

Anyways, writing about Kings Island made me wanna go back so badddddd

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