r e e v e *
The eleventh, and twelfth-grade classes are on a "bonding trip". We're in LA and here for a week and a half. We got in about ten minutes or so ago and checked into our hotel, where we were also told our room assignments. Luckily, I was paired to room with one of my best friends, Koa Robbins--and yes, he gets called "Koala Bear" often. I look at my phone which says that it's currently 10:12 AM. Since today was a travel day, we have the whole day to ourselves. I don't actually think we have anything planned until Monday since today is Thursday and weekends are going to be crazy busy; another reason is that we're from Utah, and Utah is one hour ahead of LA, which, isn't that big of a time difference, but it's still enough to mess with our inner body clocks.
Koa flops down on the bed that he's claimed and sighs.
I look over at him and chuckle.
"What?" He says, laughing too.
"Nothing," I say. "Just the way that you flopped,"
"If you're going to be like this the whole trip, I'm requesting a new room,"
I toss a pillow at him. "Sure you are,"
We both break out into laughter.✈️
Our teachers called us down to the lobby.
"Since we are not scheduled to do anything for a few days, I want you all to either text, call, or tell one of us teachers in person if you are leaving this hotel." Mrs. Grady says.
I'm not sure if everyone nods, but Koa and I do."...oh look, it's Reeve and his little boyfriend," Caden, a fellow Senior, taunts. Caden and I have never gotten along.
Koa looks at him and his fist balls at his side.
"Don't," I mutter.
"Oh look, his boyfriend has to stand up for him," Caden says to his group of friends who all laugh.
"You're a little (gay slur I refuse to say and write)," Caden mutters to me.
It happens before I even know that it's happening.
Koa stumbles forward and punches him in the nose, at the same time Mrs. Grady turns.
"Whoa! Whoa!" She yells. "Boys! No fighting! Come with me! Reeve, please return to your hotel room."
I reluctantly leave Koa after Mrs. Grady repeatedly telling me to go to our hotel room and sit on the bed. Caden has never liked me; we've never gotten along, but he's never said that to me before. I sigh and look around the room. I reply to a text from my little sister saying that she misses me and wait for Koa to come back up.✈️
Koa comes into the room about thirty minutes later.
"What happened?" I ask him.
"I have a week's worth detention when we get back for hitting him. He's been suspended and is getting sent home on the next flight." He mumbles and then flops face first on his bed. "She said she'll probably talk to you tomorrow since it's late," he adds, his voice muffled.
"I've never had a detention in my life, Reeve," Koa mumbles, looking at me. "My dad's gonna kill me,"
I get off my bed and go over to Koa's.
"Hey, it's okay," I tell him, trying to pull him closer to me, but he pulls back and buries his face once more.
"Koa..." I say softly. "It's okay, he said something really nasty. Tell your dad that it's my fault,"
"NO!" He says immediately. "No, if I tell him that, he'll try to get you in trouble,"
He shakes his head. "No, Ree, no,""I'm going for a walk," Koa says about an hour and a half later, getting up from his bed.
He's gone before I can even blink. I jump off my bed, grab my phone and room key and follow after him.It's at least five minutes before I find him.
He looks up as I walk towards him.
"Why are you following me?" he asks, leaning against the wall.
"Why did you leave?" I ask him, walking close to him and grabbing his hand.
He sighs and looks away from me.
"Koa," I prod.
He doesn't look at me, so I do something that I never thought I would do (because I'm normally too scared).
I grab his face and kiss him. In the hallway. Of a hotel.
"Mmph--" is the sound that he makes. I pull back and grab his hand, pulling him down the hallway and fumbling with the key to get into our room. I shove him in and put the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door, putting my phone and room key on the dresser and going over to the bed where Koa is, watching my every move. I go to him and climb on his lap, cupping his face and kissing him again. He wraps his arms around me, resting his hands on my waist, squeezing gently.
"I've wanted you for so long," Koa murmurs against my lips before going back in to kiss me again.✈️
I wake up wrapped in Koa's arms and smile lightly. Sunlight is streaming in through the gap in the curtains and the clock says 8:16 AM.
"Good morning," Koa whispers in my ear.
"I didn't know you were awake yet," I say sleepily.
"Yeah, I've been awake since about eight,"
I nod and yawn. He squeezes me tightly and then kisses my cheek.
"What do you want to do today? We have a free day," Koa says.
"I don't know. But I do know that the first thing we're doing is getting breakfast because I'm hungry," I say.
Koa laughs. "Me too,"
I lean my head back and kiss him before I roll out of bed to get dressed and ready. I dig through my suitcase to find what I want to wear today and when I find it, I go to the bathroom to do my business and get dressed. When I come out, Koa goes in.I'm sitting on Koa's bed when he comes out of the bathroom.
He smiles at me, bending down to kiss my lips softly.
"I love you," he whispers.
"I love you too, Koa," I tell him, smiling widely and kissing him once more.6/7/2020
Last story for this book.