Chapter 14

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Grayson's POV
I woke up this morning & I texted Gaby until breakfast.
After breakfast, Ethan & I were waiting in the living room until Cameron was finished getting ready.
"So how is Mrs. Dolan?" Ethan asked laughing.
"Ha, she's good. But to be honest... I'm kinda nervous."
"Like today's the first day where Gabriella & I walk in as a couple. I'm no longer single."
"I mean if you love her then it shouldn't be hard to stay committed."
I thought about it. I do love Gabriella so it shouldn't be hard to walk around being official. It should actually be fun.
"But it's crazy because you are known as a player & it's kinda weird that you finally settled down." Ethan added.
"Yeah, I want people to look at us & say, 'Damn. These two are still together?'"
"You sound serious."
"I am. She's good for me."

Gabriella's POV
I woke up this morning & got ready like usual. I texted Grayson all morning.
I went downstairs for breakfast.
When everyone sat down, I saw my parents were sitting there really serious.
"So Gabriella, I think you should explain to us who that boy was on Friday?" My mom said.
"My...boyfriend. His name is Grayson."
"Who said he could be your boyfriend?" My dad said.
I sighed.
"Mom, Dad. I really like Grayson. Please, don't make this a big deal."
"Honey, if you like him so much, then do you think it's possible we can meet him?" My mom asked.
"We wanna meet the guy that made you so happy." My dad said.
"Of course. When?" I asked.
"Saturday, for dinner." My mom replied.
"No problem."

When I got to school, Grayson was waiting for me at my locker.
We hugged, kissed & talk for a bit.
Everyone looked at us as they passed by.
"Is everyone all surprised because you've settled down?"
Grayson nodded with a smile.
"But anyways, I wanna ask you something."
"Go for it, babe."
"Well, my parents saw what happened on Frida-" I said as Grayson cut me off.
"You're parents saw?!"
"Ha, yes. They were right there."
"Now, I'm embarrassed." He said rubbing his hair.
"Don't be. But they asked me if you can come over for dinner on Saturday. They want to get to know you."
I said as I hugged him.
He looked at me.
"Of course."

•Saturday evening•
The week went by & it was finally time for Grayson to meet my parents.
I was helping mom getting the table ready & finish making the food.
Once I was done with that, I went upstairs to finish getting ready.
I finished curling my hair & doing my makeup. As I was exploring my closet for something to wear, my phone rang. It was Grayson.
"Hey." I said.
"Hey, babe." He said panting & rushed.
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I just...don't know what to wear. And I'm sorta freaking out."
"Wow, you sound more concerned than me & I'm a girl." I said giggling & sat on my bed.
"Well, I'm the one meeting your parents. I don't know what to do."
"Baby, look. It's okay. You can wear anything casual. A shirt, some jeans & you're good to go."
"Okay, casual."
"Relax, okay? And be yourself but more behaved."
"Anything else I should know? Because I want to give the best impression I can."
" parents are very proper & poised people. So I'd appreciate it if you were on your best behavior, okay?"
"Of course."
"Okay, see you in a bit."
"Alright, babe."
I got butterflies whenever he called me that.
I got up & decided to wear a tight light pink dress.
I finished organizing everything when Grayson knocked on the door.
"He's here!" I yelled.
My parents were right behind me once I opened the door.
"Hey." He said.
"Hi, come in."
"Wow, you look beautiful." He said as he kissed my cheek.
"Hello, Mr. & Mrs. Mirabella."
"Nice to meet you, Grayson." My mom said.
"Hello, son." My dad said.
I saw that he had to bouquet of flowers.
"Oh this one is for you, Gabriella." He said as he handed me the flowers.
"And this one is for you Ms. Mirabella."
"Thank you so much. Please come & sit. You must be hungry." My mom said.
Gabriel came & joined us at the table & we all talked for a bit.

Grayson's POV
Gabriella went to help her mom in the kitchen while I talked to her dad.
"So, Grayson. Are you still on the football team after what happened Friday?" He said with a laugh.
"Surprisingly, yes. Ha."
"You must be really good then?"
"Any plans for college?"
"Yeah, I want to go to Princeton University."
"No kidding. Gaby wants to go there too."
"Gaby wants to what?" Gabriella said as she brought out the salad.
"Grayson says he wants to go to Princeton."
"Ha. I've been wanting to go since I was little."
"Maybe we can apply together soon."
She giggled.

Gabriella's POV
Grayson was being such a gentleman. Despite the bad boy image he had, he managed to make a good impression.
He helped out with the food & had nice conversations with my parents...until my dad asked about his job.
"So Grayson, do you have a job?"
"Well...uhm. I do YouTube videos & I'm sorta kinda big on a app called Vine."
"How big?"
"1.8 million followers big."
"Yeah, I also get invited at events at other states so I also get money outta that."
"Wow, that sounds different."

After dinner was over we all said our goodbyes & Grayson left.
"So what do you guys think?"
They looked at each-other.
"Gaby, we don't want you with that boy." My dad said.
"What? Why? He was so nice."
"Honey, he may be nice, sweet & a gentleman. But c'mon. Doing this Vine & YouTube thing as a career. How silly."
"Dad, that's his thing. You're not gonna let me see Grayson because of his obligation?"
"Not just that. But honey, he just isn't... like us."
"So? I really like him, can't you guys see that?"
"Sweetie, I understand but he isn't our people."
"Dad! We aren't even our people since you went broke!"
"Watch your mouth, Gabriela." My mom said.
"No, mom. I don't see how were anything better than Grayson. Face it, mom! We aren't rich anymore! We don't have maids, or stylists anymore! We lost it all!"
"That's enough." My dad said.
"We are practically hiding out here! And all because you are too embarrassed to tell everyone that flopped."
"That's it, Gabriella. You are not allowed to see Grayson & that's final!" My dad said.
"I don't care! Because unlike you people, I am not afraid."
I said as I ran up the stairs.
I was at the top of the stairs when my mom said,
"You are not allowed to have any contact with that boy. Give me your phone."
"You want my phone? Here. Catch." I said.
As I threw it from the top of the stairs and let it fall and crack on the floor on purpose.
We looked at the phone for a second.
"Glad to know that phone is not the only thing messed up in this house."


Sorry, Gaby. But it looks like you're gonna have to break this to Grayson easily.

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