Chapter 32

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Gabriella's POV
I grabbed my phone & called.
"Hey, can you meet me in the park my my house in 5 minutes? We should talk."
I hung up.
I got ready & headed out with a hoodie & jeans.
As I walked, gray clouds came out. I heard storms from the distance.
Soon it started pouring.
I stood by a tree & put my hoodie up.
As I waited there, I saw Grayson come up.
"Hey...You okay?" He said.
"Yeah...but...Grayson, I can't break up with Ethan."
"What? Why?!"
" gave me a reason not to trust you. And Ethan has given me all his love & I need someone like him."
" was a mistake. You know how sorry I am."
"And I wish that I had a bigger heart to forgive you. But Ethan is what I need. He's good for me."
"But I thought we were in love."
I looked down & up.
" isn't enough. It comes down sometimes to what we need in our lives. And Ethan is amazing. He would never hurt me the way you did."
"I just kissed her."
"Yeah. Maybe it was just a kiss but to me it was proof that you aren't loyal & you weren't even going to tell me at all until I caught you talking about it with Ethan."
He stood quite.
"Look, I think it's better if I'm with Ethan. I adore him. And maybe he will teach me how to love. Because I opened my heart to you & you gave me a reason to not trust you anymore."
It started raining harder.
He looked at me.
"After...everything you & I have been're gonna leave me." He said.
"It's for the best."
"What am I suppose to do?"
"Find someone else."
"But I lov-"
"Loved! Loved me. You need to move on."
"I...I don't think I can."
I sighed.
"Then if you can't do that...then at least give me & Ethan space & respect. I want things to workout with Ethan. I really do."
"But...if they don't. Just know I'll be here, waiting for you."
I looked at him.
"Grayson...this isn't any easier for me than it is for you. Because I was pure before I met you. I never had my first kiss, or had a real relationship, and I lost my virginity to you. You're always going to mean something to me. But there needs to come a time where I need to move on & do something for myself."
He looked at me & I knew that I had to do this.
Cheating is something that can mess anyone up. It made me feel like I wasn't good enough. But Ethan doesn't make me feel that.
I looked at Grayson.
"Goodbye, Grayson." I said & walked away.


Looks like Gaby made her choice. But we all know we can't fight what really matters...our feelings. But this the end of Grayson & Gaby. Or is it?

author's note: Don't worry kids, it's not the end...yet.

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