Chapter 22

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•2 months later•
Gabriella's POV
I woke up this morning with the biggest urge to puke.
'Ugh, not again.' I told myself.
I got up & ran to the bathroom in my room.
As I finished puking, I heard a knock at my door.
"Honey, you alright?" My mom said.
"Yeah, mom. Just a second." I said as I quickly rinsed my mouth.
I opened the door.
"Baby, you alright?"
"Yeah. Just last night's dinner didn't suit me."
"Gabriella, you're not bulimic again, are you?"
"No, mom. I'm just not feeling good."
"Oh, honey. You can stay home today if you aren't feeling good." She said & touched my face.
"You're kinda warm. Yeah, just stay in bed today. Rest." She said as she moved me to my bed.
"Okay, mom. Thank you." I said.
"I wish I can stay home to take care of you today, baby. But I have a few meetings this morning."
"It's okay, mom. Don't let me stop you. You can go. I'll just rest in bed. Don't worry."
"Okay, sweetie. I'm just gonna make you some warm tea & leave medicine for you downstairs." She said as she kissed my forehead.
"Thank you, mom."
"Oh, I'm gonna drop off Gabriel & Siena off at school. And your dad will be at work so just use this time to rest."
I nodded with a smile.
"Feel better." My mom said as she blew a kiss & left.
I layed in bed until I heard both, my mom's & dad's car drive off.
I sat up & grabbed my phone.
I called Grayson.
"Good morning, my love." He answered.
"Hey, baby. Ar-are you at school?"
"I'm still home. I'm about to leave in a few. Why?"
"Um, do you mind skipping out the day & coming to my house?"
"Why? You aren't going to school."
"No, um. I don't feel so good. But I-uhm also gotta talk to you."
"You sound serious."
"Yeah, just please come over."
"Yeah, yeah. I'll be right over."
"Thank you, babe." I said & hung up.
As I looked at my phone, I checked the calendar.
I haven't gotten my period in almost a month & I have had morning sickness for a week now.
I felt the urge to puke again
I got up & ran to the bathroom.
I finished puking.
I washed my mouth & my face.
I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror.
'Maybe I am actually sick. I should just sleep it off.' I told myself.
Then, I started to rub my belly.
"Who am I kidding? No amount of sleep can fix this problem." I said to myself.


Do I hear Gabriella crying for help? Or are those baby cries?

author's note // lol I wanted to add a lot of plot twists into this story so don't worry.

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