Chapter 3

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Gabriella's POV

It was lunch time & I met up with Alexa again. We sat in a table together & just talked.
As we talked she asked me,
"So do you have a boyfriend?"
"Me? No."
"I don't know. I used to go to a private school & I've just always focused on school & doing sports. I never focused on boys."
"So you've never dated?"
"Not really. I also don't think my dad would approve."
"You're dad is strict?"
"Sorta. I'm allowed to hang out with guys but I just in general never wanted to date."
"I guess, it's just the fear of getting heartbroken is what holds me back."
"I understand. It can be complicated. But you should try it."
I looked around for a second.
I saw Grayson.
Then I said,
"We'll see."

Alexa & I talked for a little bit when I asked Alexa,
"Hey, I'm going to get a water bottle from the vending machine. Want something?"
"No, I'm fine."
I nodded & walked to the machine.
As I was getting my water bottle I saw Grayson.
He stared at me & waved.
I looked away & pretended I didn't see anything.

I looked back at him again & he was heading my way. I quickly grabbed my water bottle & ran back to Alexa.

"Why such a rush?" She asked.
"Grayson was heading my way, I don't want anything to do with him."

Alexa looked at Grayson.
He was sitting with all his friends at the lunch table.

"He went back to his annoying friends."
"Grayson is probably going to try to get with you." Alexa said.
"Don't say that. I want nothing to do with him."
"You never know."

I looked at Grayson & he looked at me.
I lightly rolled my eyes & looked away.

"So what are you doing after school?" Alexa asked.
"Gonna try to find the coaches so I can join cheer."
"You're a cheerleader?"
"Yeah. You too?"
"Yeah, after school I'll meet you up by your locker & I'll take you to where we practice."
"Okay, sounds good."
Lunch ended & I went on with the rest of my day.

Alexa met up with me like she said she would & she walked me up to the football field.
There was a little field next to the football field that was where all the cheerleaders were at & Alexa took me up to the coach.

"Ms. Heart, this is Gabriella she's new here. She was telling me that she wanted to join cheer." Alexa said.
"You've done cheer before, sweetie?" Ms. Heart asked me.
"Yeah, in my old school in Cali."
"Well, I'm glad you joined here. Just hand me in you physical tomorrow if you have it."
"Yeah, I have it with me right now."
"Perfect. Let's go get you a uniform."
I went with the coach as the other girls went to change. I put on my uniform & my hair bow & I went outside with the rest of the girls.

As we walked outside the football players came out too.

"Oh yeah, we practice at the same time the guys do. We always see them practice & they see us practice." Alexa said to me.
I looked over at the field & I saw Gabe.
I waved at him as he waved back.
"Who is that?" Alexa asked.
"My twin brother."
"You guys are twins too?" Alexa asked.
"Yeah but Gabriel is like 2 minutes older than me." I said.
Alexa giggled.

As I kept looking at the football players, I saw one that took off his helmet & ran his fingers through his hair.
He looked at me & smirked.
I knew who it was.
It was Grayson.

"Grayson is in the football team?" I asked Alexa.
"Yes, unfortunately. The girls on the cheer team are crazy about him, just don't mention him or his name."
I nodded.

Another football player came out & he came towards us. He took his helmet & I noticed it was Ethan.
He came over & said hi to me & then hugged Alexa & gave her a quick kiss on the cheek & he went back to the football field.

We started doing the cheers & I learned a few of the routines.
As we kept doing the cheers, I felt a football land next to my leg, I looked up & I saw a guy running to get it towards me.
I grabbed the ball.

He took of his helmet & I noticed it was Grayson.

"Sorry, cutie." He said to me.

All the girls suddenly came near me & tried talking to Grayson.

"Hey, Grayson."
"Hi, Grayson."
"Grayson!" All the girls said.
"Hi, girls." He said.

Then he looked at me & I handed him the ball.

"Thanks, babe." He said & winked at me.
He went back to the field.

All the girls gasped & looked at me.
I walked over to Alexa.

"That was weird." She said.
"Ew, I know." I said.
"You know Grayson purposely threw the ball over here to talk to you?"
"He did not."
"Yeah he did. I saw him."
"Well, too bad. I don't like him."
Alexa smirked.

We kept doing the cheers & all the girls asked throughout practice if I liked Grayson & I kept saying no.

When practice ended, Gabe & I met up outside the field so our dad can pick us up.
As I talked to Gabe, Grayson came up to him,
"Great job today!" Grayson said to Gabe.
"Thanks, Dolan."

Grayson looked at me.
Then, Gabe looked at me.
"Grayson, this is my twin sister Gabriella."

Grayson smiled at me.

"Your sister is beyond gorgeous."
I smiled.

I saw my dad pull over.

"Dad's here." I said to Gabe.
"Bye, Dolan." Gabe said to Grayson.

I waved to Grayson.
He smiled.

Grayson's POV

Today, there was this new girl in school. She's cute.
All the guys talked about her & I knew I had to talk to her.
I still don't know much about her. But I know that I have to make her mine.
I kept staring at her during her cheer practice & she's basically perfect.
I'll see what I can do with her but I know she will soon fall for me.

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