Chapter 23

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Gabriella's POV
I got a text from Grayson, that he was here.
I went downstairs to open for him.
"Hey, baby." He said as he kissed me.
"You look so cute with your pjs." He said.
"Barely." I said & laughed.
He carried me up & went to my room.
We talked for a bit & then I looked at him & I reminded myself that I had to tell him.
"Hey, um. So I wanted to tell you something, babe." I said.
"Okay, but first I wanna tell you something." He said.
"Oh. Okay, yeah. Go."
"So yesterday I got an e-mail that Ethan & I were invited to go to Playlist Live in Florida. Isn't that exciting?! I leave in 3 weeks!"
Playlist Live is an event where YouTubers & Viners & other people go meet fans & everyone meets up & hangs out.
I know Grayson has been wanting to go for a long & he was finally invited this year. I saw how happy he was.
"So what did you wanna tell me, baby?" Grayson said as he held my hand.
I looked at him.
"Um. Just that...I...nothing. I just wanted you here with me today." I said as I hugged him.
I didn't want to make him feel bad by giving him these news.
I guess I just have to wait & do this on my own for now.


Wow, Gabriella. Don't you know that secrets don't have a time to be kept? They can come out anytime. Even when we don't want them too.

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