Chapter 1

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Gabriella's POV

Today is my first day in my new life here in New Jersey. I moved here in the middle of summer from California with my mom, dad, my twin brother Gabriel & my little sister Siena.

Today, is my first day in a new high-school here in New Jersey. It's kinda weird going to a public high-school because Gabriel & I used to go a private school back in California.
He is in 10th grade with me & my sister Siena is in 1st grade.

I was woken up by my little sister who was excited to go to school. I got up & did all my usual girl stuff like brush my teeth, wash my face & brush my hair.

I chose a simple, light, purple, pink & white floral jumper with converse & some simple jewelry. Also, since my hair was pretty long I just softly curled the ends. My hair is a very, very, very light brown almost a dirty blonde. For my makeup, I did the usual. Just some concealer, powder, blush, eyeliner, mascara, filled in my eyebrows & put some lipgloss. I sprayed perfume & took one last look in the mirror. I packed my purse with my stuff & I also packed a folder, notebook, pens & pencils.

"Gabe, Gaby, Siena breakfast is ready." I heard my mom say.

We all ran downstairs.

We all sat down & started eating.
Mom made pancakes, eggs, bacon & toast. I grabbed my scrambled eggs & a piece of toast with orange juice.

As we ate dad said,
"You guys excited for your first day?"
"Yes!" Siena said.
"Yeah, totally. I heard West Morris Central has a great football team." My brother said.
Yes, he is a football player.

"What about you, Gaby?" Mom asked me.
That's what my family calls me, Gaby.

"Yes, I guess. I'm excited to start cheer."
"Well, if we don't hurry up you guys are going to be late, so let's get going." My dad said.

We all got up & said goodbye to my mom & walked to the car with my dad.

On the car ride to the school, I just listened to music & looked at the road.

We finally arrived to the high-school & we see all the students everywhere.

"Bye, dad. Bye, Siena." Gabriel said getting out of the car.
"Bye, dad." I said getting out of the car along with Gabriel.

Siena & my dad waved then drove off.

I looked at the school & all the people around us & I felt over-whelmed but I was excited.

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