Chapter 26

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•few weeks later•
Gabriella's POV
Grayson & I have been so good lately. And what we have been through together has brought us closer.
But he's leaving to Florida today for Playlist Live. I never really got too into Grayson's vine thing & I never let his career get to me. I have seen him film a few vines & youtube videos & I support him. But this is going to be the biggest test for us. Being away for a whole weekend means I have to fully trust Grayson. I don't have a problem with that but we'll see.
I dropped him off the airport & we said our goodbyes.
"Bye, baby." He said.
"Bye, babe. Be good & call me & text me as much as you can."
"I will." He said & kissed me.
He grabbed his luggage & waved.
I waved back.

I went back home with Grayson & Ethan's parents.
I went on with my day & hung out with Gabriel at home.
I went on SnapChat & I see that he is with Jake Paul in his snaps.
"Why hasn't he called me if he landed?"
I asked Gabriel.
"Chill, sis. He's probably busy."
"But not busy to make a snap? Ugh."
"Relax. He'll call."
A few minutes later he did.
"Hi." I said.
"Hey, baby. I just landed."
"I could tell."
"Hmm?" He said.
"By your snapchat stories."
"Logan & Jake had my phone & I was busy with the luggage. You do realize that this traveling stuff takes time, right? I told you I would call you when I can."
"You're right. Sorry. Just...have fun. Miss you already, baby."
"Miss you more, princess. Call you WHEN I can."
I hung up & just chilled with Gabriel.
Later on the night I went on Snapchat again & I looked at Ethan's snapchat story & they were at Disney World. But in the background I saw Grayson walking with a girl.
Maybe their friends?
I tried to shake it off.
But later on at night I saw Jake's snapchat story. They were in the party bus & I saw in the background Grayson again with the same girl, & they whispered to each other & smiled & talked.
None of them posted to the rest of the night.
I went on Instagram & Logan Paul posted a picture of everyone at Disney World & that girl was in the picture.
I looked at the people he tagged & I found her Instagram, which lead me to find her Twitter.
Turns out her name is Rachel.
I stalked her Twitter & everyone else & no one posted that entire night.
I also didn't get a call that entire night from Grayson.

•days later•
Grayson has finally came back from his weekend.
He did call every once in a while during that weekend. But I'm still suspicious.
I waited for him to come to my house, which he did that night.
"I'm back. I missed you!" He said as he hugged me.
"Me too." I said simple.
"You okay?"
I looked at him. I knew I had to trust him.
"Yeah, how was everything?"
"Amazing, wanna spend the night at my house? My mom is waiting outside."
"Uh, yeah. Let me get my things."
"Okay, I'll be downstairs."
I found is strange how he immediately wanted me to be with him again. I don't know but I'm just trying to get over everything. I do trust Grayson.

I went to his house that night.
He showed me pictures on his phone & I just scrolled & Grayson told me things but he did not mention Rachel.
When I asked him about the first night there (the night where he didn't call or text me & that night where he was with Rachel) he would change the subject.
"Grayson!" Grayson's mom said.
"Keep scrolling, I'll be back." He said as he left the room.
As I scrolled the pictures I found one where he was with Rachel...holding hands.
As I was observing that picture, he got a text from Rachel.
Rachel: Had fun this weekend. But don't worry, I won't say anything if you don't.
I knew it! Grayson was hiding something.


Secrets don't have expiration date, they come out whenever. But don't worry Gaby, we know how you don't like to share secrets...or share boyfriends.

author's note: are you guys liking the story so far?

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