Chapter 31

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•3 weeks later•
Grayson's POV
I was making out with Alexa while Ethan made out with Gaby.
This was all a game.
We both knew we liked each other but we are being stubborn.
After Geometry I went to talk to her.
"So you're actually dating Ethan."
"Yes. Just like how you're actually dating Alexa."
I sighed.
"Can we stop this already?"
"Stop what?" She said sarcastically.
"This. Faking out feelings for other people. You know you still love me just the way I love you."
She stared at me.
"Gaby...Ethan really likes you."
"And Alexa really likes you. So?"
"So, that it's not fair anymore. We can't keep playing other's people's feelings."
She got close.
"This is all a game, Grayson. You made it this way from the beginning."
"I didn't think that it would go on for so long."
"Well, you obviously lost."
"Yeah...I fell in love with you. And you fell for me."
She looked at me.
"As much as I try to deny it, I can't...I miss you."
"Look, I need you. And we need to be together now."
"So you want me to-"
"Break up with Ethan. And I'll end it with Alexa."I said finishing her sentence.
"...uh. I'll-I'll try. But don't do it just yet. I'll let you know." She said.
I kissed her cheek.

Gabriella's POV
I felt awful of the thought of breaking up with Ethan because he's treated me like a princess. I like Ethan. But I love Grayson.
I was on the couch thinking about it all.
Gabriel noticed me & sat next to me.
"You look stressed." He said.
"Yeah...I-I am."
"Talk to me."
"Gabe...I'm thinking of br-breaking up with Ethan."
"Because...Grayson wants to get back together."
"But he cheated on you!!!"
"I know. But...I just never wish he did. I've fallen for him so hard. I've been in love with him for so long."
"Even when you dated Ethan?"
"Well...I sorta dated Ethan j-just to get back at Grayson."
"Gabriella?! Are you kidding me?!"
"I mean, it's not a big deal...I-Is it?"
"Yeah! I mean you're playing with his feelings. You're setting his hopes high & just imagine how crushed he's going to be when you break up with him. He tells me everyday how much he adores you & how happy you make him. Ethan is such an amazing boy who will never hurt you. Unlike Grayson, who cheated on you. Are you really gonna throw that away?!"
"He'll get over it. At least I'll be with Grayson."
Gabe stared at me for a second & scoffed.
"Is this all a game to you?!"
"...It started that way."
He got up.
"I guess old habits never change."
I looked at him.
"What is that suppose to mean?" I said.
He looked at me.
"You just became the mean girl that you used to be back at Sutton."
"You're playing with people's emotions & you step on anyone to get what you want. And Grayson is the one that brought out all of that from you."
"Yes. This isn't you."
There was silence.
"Never lose sight of who you are because of a boy." He added.
"So I should stay with Ethan?"
"Do what you think is right...Just think of it. If you find a good person, with a good heart & has good intentions with you, why would you wanna fuck them over?"
I looked at him.
I understood.
"I'm not trying to make a choice for you. I'm just telling you how it is. And how you've changed because of this guy."
Gabriel left to his room & I stood there.
I thought for a long time.
I finally chose.


Gabriel is the real mvp for telling Gabriella how it is, right?

author's note: Who do you think Gaby will chose?

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