Chapter 7

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•week later•
Gabriella's POV
I was at my locker & getting my English, Science & Geometry notebook.
I as I turned away for a sec to look for my phone in my bag. Someone banged my locker shut which scared me & made me drop my books.
I looked up & it was Grayson.
"Really?" I said all annoyed.
"Sorry, sweetheart." He said.
I sighed in anger.
Grayson bent down to get my books & as he gave me the last notebook, he read my name on it.
"Gabriella Mirabella."
"Gaby." I corrected him.
He looked at me & rubbed his jawline.
"Let me walk you to class." He said.
"I'm capable of walking myself."
"Why so much attitude, princess?"
I rolled my eyes.
As I walked away, he chased after me.
"What are you doing this Saturday?" He asked.
"Not being with you, I hope."
"Ha, you sure about that?"
I stopped & looked at him.
"What do you want?" I asked.
He looked at me & got close to my face.
"Let me take you out on Saturday."
"No." I said plain & simple in his face.
He backed off a little.
"Why not?"
The bell rung.
I ran off to my class.

I went through English & Science class, then I had Geometry with Grayson.
I got there & Grayson got there late as always.
"Grayson, you can't keep coming in late." Mr. Stevens said.
Grayson rolled his eyes & sat down next to me.
He looked at me & winked.
I rolled my eyes & looked away.
"Okay, so today we're having a surprise pop quiz. This is going to prepare you for the test on Monday. I know it's really soon to start testing but we need to start getting you guys used to taking tests & challenge you guys a bit more. So clear everything off your desk & get out a pencil."
As everyone did what Mr. Stevens said, Grayson tapped me on the shoulder.
"You have a pencil I can borrow, babe?"
I looked away, reached into my bag, got out a pencil & handed it to him.
"Thanks, princess." He said.
Mr. Stevens started handing out the quiz. As he did, Grayson whispered to me,
"So how about that date on Saturday?"
Mr. Stevens came up to him & said,
"Enough talking, Grayson." And handed him a quiz & then gave me one.
Everyone did the quiz & handed them in.
Mr. Stevens was correcting the quizzes & handed them back before class ended.
When the bell rung, Mr. Stevens said,
"Gabriella, Grayson. Can I speak to the both of you?"
I got my bag & with Grayson by my side we walked up to Mr. S' desk.
"Mr. Dolan, I am very concerned on the results of your quiz. You got a 22%."
"It is what it is, right?" Grayson said.
"No, Mr. Dolan. It's not."
Mr. Stevens looked at me.
"As for you Miss Mirabella, I am very impressed. You got 100%. Not a single one wrong."
I smiled.
"But what I'm trying to get through is ask for a favor to both of you. Gabriella, do you think you could tutor Grayson this weekend so he can be well prepared for the test on Monday because it really does count as a big grade."
"That's a great idea, Mr. S." Grayson said sarcastically.
Grayson put his arm around me & said,
"You wouldn't mind tutoring me this weekend would you?"
I looked at Grayson & then at Mr. Stevens.
"Of course. I'll tutor Grayson." I said nervously.
Grayson moved his arm.
"Great! Now Grayson please try your hardest because Gabriella is such a bright student & she has a lot to offer." Mr. S said.
Grayson looked at me.
"She sure does." He said.

We walked out of the classroom & we both were on our way to lunch.
I got there & sat at the lunch table with Alexa & other cheerleaders.
We were all talking when Grayson came over & grabbed a chair and put it in between his legs.
"So, how about we make Saturday into a 'study date'?" He said.
I nodded.
All the girls at my table looked at him & admired him.
Grayson looked at me & said,
"See you Saturday, princess."
He left for a second & then came back & said,
"Oh, your pencil." He said as he handed it back to me.
"Thanks." I said.
Grayson winked as he left.
When he left all the girls at my table started talking about him.
"Gaby, what does he mean 'study date'? You're hanging out with that douche?" Alexa said.
"It's not like that. He failed a quiz in my class & my Geometry teacher asked me to tutor him for the test on Monday. That's all."
"Gaby..." Alexa said giving me a look.
"I know. I know. He's a jerk that's gonna hurt me. I know. You've told me a million times." I said annoyed.
"Look Gaby, I'm just tryna protect you from that asshole."
"I appreciate it but I don't need you to protect me."
"Don't say I didn't warn you."
I sighed.


I know this chapter is really long & the story is kinda slow but I'm just trying to set up the vibe. It will soon get more & more interesting. I promise.

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