Chapter 20

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Gabriella's POV
Today, I went over Grayson's house to do homework as usual but when I knocked, Ethan opened.
"Hey." I said.
"Hi." He said as he let me in.
"Grayson's not home yet. He went out with my mom." He said with no emotion.
I looked at him. Ethan seemed upset.
"Are you okay, Ethan?"
He looked at me.
"No, actually."
I sat with him on the couch.
"What happened?"
"Alexa & I broke up."
"Wha- Why?"
"I don't know."
"What do you mean? There needs to be a reason."
"No. She just came over & told me that it was done & she said to leave her alone."
"Aw, Ethan."
"It's whatever. I just don't wanna be alone."
"I'll stay here if you want."
"Thanks, Gaby." He said.
I hugged him & he put his head on my shoulder.
I was still curious why Alexa would break up with Ethan, I needed to find out.

•next day•
Before cheer practice I saw Alexa.
I walked up to her.
"Hey." She said.
"We need to talk."
We moved to the side of the field.
"What?" She said.
"You broke up with Ethan?"
"Yeah...are we done?" She said as she tried to walk away.
I grabbed her arm.
"No, we aren't. But why? Ethan has been nothing but good to you."
"You wouldn't understand, Gabriella."
"Maybe if you tell me."
She looked at me very serious.
"I have had a big crush on Grayson since freshman year & when Grayson & I started flirting my feelings for him grew more. But when he called off the whole thing, he left me. And I thought if maybe I dated Ethan, my feelings for Grayson would change. But almost after a year, they haven't. I still like Grayson. And I couldn't keep up being with Ethan. So I broke up with him."
"So that's why you left him with no explanation?"
"Yes. I mean I can't tell him I left him because I like his brother."
I looked at her.
She looked back at me.
"You're not gonna tell Ethan, are you?"
I thought for a second.
"Gabriella, please." She said.
"I'm sorry, Alexa. But Ethan is my best friend. So I'm gonna tell him & Grayson." I said as I walked back to the cheer matt.
"Go ahead," I heard Alexa say behind me.
"I mean, you already took Grayson from me & he's in love with you, minus well take the little bit of friendship I have with Ethan...You just enjoy taking things away from people." She said.
I walked back to her.
"Don't bring my boyfriend into this. I didn't take anything away from you. Grayson chose to love me & know I'm choosing to tell Ethan how you used them. Face it, Alexa! Grayson & Ethan are done with you...and so am I."

After practice was done, Grayson & Ethan gave me a ride to their house.
When we got there we got to the basement & we talked.
"Hey guys, I have to tell you guys something."
"What?" They both said at the same time.
I told them everything that Alexa said.
Ethan looked so sad.
"So she used me to get over her feelings for my brother?"
I nodded.
Grayson held my hand.
"Now I'm just scared she will go after Grayson." I said.
"She won't. Because I won't let her." Grayson said with a smile.
"Just forget her, Ethan. She's insane." I said.
"I guess. It just hurts knowing that these months, our relationship didn't mean anything to her."
I hugged Ethan.
"It will be fine."


What a plot twist. Let's just hope Alexa knows how to keep her distance because she has all eyes on her at all times now.

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