Chapter 5

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Gabriella's POV

I woke up this morning & did the usual.
Did my usual makeup routine & I straightened my hair.
For my outfit I choose, a black top that said 'New York' across it with white letters, maroon shorts with a jean cloth material jacket & converse.

I went downstairs & ate.

When we finished eating, Gabe, Siena & I got in the car to go to school.

We got to school & I went to my locker.
Gabe followed me & said,
"You know Grayson switched his classes so he could be in Geometry with you?"
"Um, I don't care." I said as I took out my books from my locker.
"C'mon sis, he likes you."
"And he likes every single girl in the school."
"Give him a chance."
"I rather not." I said as I shut my locker.
"Bye, Gabe." I said.
"See you at practice." He said.
I hugged him & walked to my class.

I went through my morning classes & before lunch I had Geometry. Grayson was in my Geometry class just like Gabe said.

I was walking in at the same time as Grayson, he stopped & said,
"Ladies first." He said & let me go through first.

I smiled at him.

During class he kept looking back at me & smiling at me.
The teacher went up to him,
"Mr. Dolan since you seem pretty distracted today would you like to solve this algebra problem?"
Grayson looked at me & said,
"Of course."

Grayson went up to the board & did that problem completely wrong.

"Mr. Dolan that is totally wrong. Would someone like to come up & correct him?"
Grayson looked at me.
I raised my hand.
"Ms. Mirabella, go for it."

I went up to the board & started solving the problem.
I could feel Grayson looking at me & staring at me even with my back turned.
When I was done I went back to my seat.

"Good job, Ms. Mirabella. Mr. Dolan if you ever have trouble with any assignment, I don't think Gabriella would mind helping you out. Wouldn't you, Ms. Mirabella?" Mr. Stevens asked me.
Grayson looked at me.

"Of course not, sir." I said.
"Good. She can be your study buddy."

Class ended & I went to lunch.
I was talking to Alexa & a few other girls & I was walking to the snack machine & I bumped into someone.

I looked up it was Grayson.
"Sorry." He said.
"No, it's fine." I said.
I looked down & walked away, Grayson followed me.
"So when are you going to help me study?"
"C'mon, you knew the answer. You were just acting dumb."
"Ha. Is it that what you think?" He said as he raised his eyebrow.
I smirked.
"Well, see you around." I said as I tried to walk away.
But I was stopped by Grayson grabbing my hand.
"Wait, um... are you going to practice today?" He asked smiling & rubbing his jawline.
"Yeah." I said annoyed.
I don't want anything to do with him.
He let got of my hand.
"Okay, see you later cutie." He said.
I lightly waved & walked back to my lunch table.

"What is wrong with you?" Alexa said.
"Why are you talking to Grayson?"
"He came up to me & I tried to give the impression that he annoyed me."
"Okay but please, don't get involved with that boy. He will hurt you."

I looked back at Grayson & I knew this boy had more to him than being bad.

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