Chapter 6

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•next day•
Grayson's POV
As I was walking to Ethan's locker to ask him for the History homework, I saw him with that cutie from my Geometry.
I never got her name but I'm sure Ethan would tell me who she is.
She talked to Ethan for a good minute & then she left.
As she walked away, I walked up to Ethan.
"Hey, fag." I said as I shoved him.
"What do you want, Gray?" Ethan said annoyed.
"Can I cop-" I said as Ethan cut me off.
"No, you can't copy my History homework."
I rolled my eyes.
I turned my head back & I saw that the cutie's locker was at the end of the hall & she was hanging out with Ethan's girl, Alexa.
I turned back to Ethan who was putting things in & out of his locker.
"Yo, Ethan."
"Who's the cutie that you were talking with like a few minutes ago? The girl that's with Alexa right now."
Ethan looked at the end of the hall.
"Oh, that's Ga-" Ethan said as he paused.
He looked at me & said,
"No, Grayson."
"Don't do this."
"Do what?"
"Oh, you already know what you do. You act that you like a girl & that you wanna be with her & then you just play her & leave her. No, Gray. I'm sorry but no. "
"I'm not that bad, Ethan. It's just fooling around."
"No, plus she's WAY WAY too good for you." Ethan said.
Then he shut his locker & walked away.
Whatever, if Ethan doesn't wanna tell me who she is then I'll ask someone who will.

After 3rd period, I see Alexa.
I waited as I leaned on her locker.
She walked up.
"Can you move?" She said with an attitude.
I moved to the side.
"You're looking real nice today, Alexa."
"What do you want, Grayson?"
"What makes you think I want anything?"
As she opened her locker she said,
"Because you only talk to me when you either need or want me to get or do something for you. So spill it, what do you want?"
"Wow, you know me so well, princess. Ha, but um, do you know that girl you were with this morning at her locker?"
"Uh, yeah. What about her?"
"Who is she? Is she new?"
"Yeah, she is."
"What's her name?"
"What do you know about her?"
"Well, that she isn't into douchebags like you."
"Ouch that hurt."
"Grayson, don't even bother trying. That is the only girl here that you haven't played."
I remembered that in freshman year I had a thing with Alexa but then Ethan & her started to like each other & that's when my 'flirty thing' with Alexa ended.
"What do you wanna know?" She asked.
"Is she single?"
"Yeah. She's told me that she's never had a boyfriend."
I stopped & thought for a bit.
"So that means she's a virgin?"
Alexa shoved me.
"Stop being such a perv!" She said.
"Grayson, leave her alone & go find another victim."
She slammed her locker door shut & left.
I know I'm gonna get Gabriela one way or another.


qotd // Should I start an Ethan fanfiction soon???😌

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