Chapter 15

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Gabriella's POV
When I went back to school on Monday, Grayson came up to me & hugged me tight.
"Hi to you too." I said as I laughed.
"I thought something happened to you?" He said.
"What? Why?"
"You haven't answered my texts or my calls. I was worried."
"Oh. My phone broke."
"Long story."
"Oh. But what did your parents think of me?"
"That's part of the story."
He looked at me.
"What happened?"
"Well, my parents don't want us together?"
"Why?! I was so good on Saturday."
"I know. But it's just..."
"That what?"
"They think that you doing Vine & YouTube is silly."
"Well...I'm not gonna stop doing what I love. It's basically my job. But it's not like I'm gonna do that forever."
"I know! It's just insane that they don't approve because of that."
"So what do we do?"
"Well...I'm not gonna stop seeing you."
He smiled.
"But I don't wanna cause trouble." He said.
"You won't."
"I hope not."
I hugged him.
"Walk me home today?"
"Sure." He said as he kissed my forehead.
"Wait. How did you break your phone?"
As we walked to class, I explained.

After school, Grayson walked me home & as he left me at the doorstep, I saw my dad peeking at the window.
When I walked in my dad said,
"I hope that wasn't Grayson."
"Well it was." I said as I sat my bag down.
"You can't talk to that boy."
"You know what dad? Has it ever occurred to you that there's people that don't run big businesses & won't live up to your job expectations. Grayson is young, what do you want from him?" I said & went upstairs.
"Gabriella." I heard my dad yell & I slammed my door.
I stood there for most of the day & just did homework & distracted myself.
I heard a knock on my door & it was Gabriel.
"Here." He said as he handed me his phone.
I looked at him.
"You aren't keeping my phone. Just call Grayson & talk. You seem upset."
"How can I not? Mom & dad are unfair."
"It's stupid how they are preventing you from seeing Grayson because of his 'job'. It's so dumb."
"I know but unless some miracle happens to change mom & dad's minds, I don't think I'm going to be seeing Grayson."
Then I heard,
"Gaby, come down." My mom said.
I went down to the living room.
"You're father & I were talking & we were wrong to judge Grayson." My mom said.
"As long as he is a good guy & he's good to you, there's no reason not to see him."
They nodded.
I smiled & hugged them.
"As a matter a fact, you should take him to the White Ball. It's next week."
"Wait, Madison's ball?"
Madison is one of my best friends in Beverly Hills & every year she has a big ball/party in honor of her dad's company. I haven't spoken to Madison since my last day in California, which was almost 4 months ago. A lot can change in 4 months.
"Yes, of course. Her mother called me & invited us. We have to go dress shopping & we'll buy Grayson a suit. It's the least we can do for him."
"Yeah, yeah. I'll tell him."
I went upstairs. I used Gabriel's phone to call Grayson & told him that everything was okay but I didn't mention the White Ball to Grayson.
I don't want to worry Grayson, but there's to many secrets in Beverly Hills that I've kept. And my life in New Jersey is a secret that I've kept from everyone in Beverly Hills. I have secrets in both of these worlds.
Maybe if I don't mention anything to Grayson, everything will be alright. I just can't tell him anything from before I moved here.


Hiding secrets, huh Gaby? Well, secrets can't always be kept forever & soon they will be unleashed.

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