Chapter 2

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Gabriella's POV

Gabe & I took out our schedule & started looking around. This high-school was huge & there were so many students from what we were used to back in at private school.

I looked at Gabe.

"My class is this way. See you later." He said.
"Okay, bye." I said & waved.

I stood in the hall lost. I didn't know where to go.

As I walked in confusion, I bumped into someone.
"Oh my god. I'm sorry." I said looking at him.
"Ha, it's fine." He said lightly laughing.

He looked at me for a second.

"Are you new here?" He said.
"Yeah." I said.
"Want me to help you find your first class? Let me see your schedule."
He said as he grabbed it.
"Oh, Ms. Irene. She's cool. Her class is this way. I'll walk you."
"Thanks." I said as he gave me my schedule back.

As we walked he said,
"I'm Ethan by the way."
"I'm Gabriella."
"Where'd you just moved from?"
"California. I moved to New Jersey during the summer."
Ethan & I kept up a conversation until we reached our classes.
"Wow, our classes are right across each other. If you want you can wait here for me after class & I'll take you to your locker." He said.
"Sounds good." I said.
We went to our class.

I sat down in the middle of the class.

"Welcome back everyone." The teacher said.
"I see a lot of familiar faces but I see a few new ones. Like that young lady right there." She said & pointed at me.
Everyone looked at me.

"Are you new here?" She said to me.
"Yes." I answered.
"What's your name, sweetie?"
"Gabriella Mirabella."
"That's a pretty name. Where did you move here from, sweetie?"
"Oh wow, well my name is Ms. Irene & I'll be your homeroom teacher."
I smiled.

"Well, I'll just start of by handing out the locker numbers & combinations. I'll call you by your names & you'll each come up to me, one by one." She said to the whole class.

As she called people, I sat there & doodled on my notebook.

A few guys whistled & winked at me. It was annoying.

The teacher called me up & I got my combo & everything.

After that period ended I met up with Ethan & he walked me to my locker.

"So here's your locker & I have to go. I have to go to the office."
"The office?" I said.
"Yeah, I'm a student worker in the office & during this period I go to the office to do some stuff."
"Oh okay."
"Yeah, I'll see you around."
I waved goodbye.

I stood there at my locker & I couldn't figure out how to open it until a random girl came up to me.

"I'm guessing your new here." She said.
"Ha, is it that obvious?" I said with a giggle.
She giggled too.

"Here I'll help you." She said.
She opened my locker.

"Thanks." I said.
"So I saw you talking to Ethan."
"Yeah, he seems very nice."
"He is."
"You know him?"
"I'm actually dating him."
"Really? Aw, that's cute."
"Yeah, ha. I'm Alexa by the way." She said.
"I'm Gabriella."
"You just moved here?"
"Yeah, during the summer."
"Well, if you need help with anything you can come to me & just ask."
"Thanks." I said with a smile.

I was stunned when I saw this boy that looked just like Ethan walk down the hall. Except he looked more... mysterious.
He had the look of a trouble maker & his facial expression was very serious.

He looked at me & smirked. And then he walked away.

"Wow. He looks like just like Ethan" I said surprised.
"Yeah, that's Grayson. Ethan's twin."
"Yeah. You've never heard of them? Their like kinda popular."
"Oh, well Ethan & Grayson are like popular on that app Vine."

I thought for a second. They sounded familiar.

"Oh yeah! I've heard of them! They go here?"
"Yeah, ha."
"Yeah. But word of advice, don't get involved with Grayson Dolan. You'll regret it."
"What's wrong with Grayson?"
"Well, he thinks he's all that for being 'Vine famous', he's cocky as hell, girls are all over him & since a ton of girls want him, he takes advantage of them. He's interested in them for a while, gets what he wants & then he moves on to another. Ethan never let the 'fame' get to him. But Grayson did. Just don't get involved with him, he's bad news."
"Wow, I didn't know that."
"Yeah, everyone thinks Grayson is sweet & caring but he just plays around with girls. I go over Ethan & Grayson's house all the time & Grayson is always with any new random girl every-time. You seem to good for that guy."
"I do?"
"Yeah, haven't you noticed guys are all over you?"
"I mean kinda. But why?"
"Because it's rare that we get new students in our school, your just a new victim for all of these annoying boys. Just watch your back."
The bell rung.

"I'll see you around." Alexa said.

I waved & walked away.
I went to my next class & as I took notes I kept thinking about Grayson.

He was gorgeous.

But I kept thinking about what Alexa said. I can't get involved with this guy.

I shook him out of my mind.

Then, someone walked into my class.

I turned around & it was him.

Grayson Dolan.

He looked at me & smiled really big.
I gave him a little smile & continued writing my notes.

"Late on the first day, huh Mr. Dolan?" The teacher said.
"It's like you don't know me, Mr. R." Grayson said as he slowly sat in the seat next to me & leaned back on the chair.
"Oh, Grayson you're nothing like Ethan. Are you?" Mr. Radler said.
"Nope, because I'm not a dumb teacher's pet like him."
Everyone lightly giggled.
"Anyways, why were you late?" Mr. Radler asked.
"Uh..." Grayson said as he tried to find a excuse.
"I got lost, Mr.R." I said.
"Grayson, how could you get lost? You've been here for a dozen teacher conferences & a thousands detentions. Am I right?"
"Hey, guess what? I don't recall."
Everyone giggled at his Justin Bieber quoting.

"I don't want to hear another word come out of your mouth, Mr. Dolan."
Grayson lightly nodded as Mr. R turned around to make his way to board.

There was a moment of silence until Grayson said,
Everyone laughed.
"That's it! You just earned homework on the first day of school."
"Wow, what a punishment." Grayson said sarcastically.
Mr. Radler came towards him & handed him a worksheet.

As he walked away, Grayson crumbled up the paper & threw it behind him.
Then he looked at me & said,
"I'm not doing that shit, ha. Fuck that."
I quickly smirked.
Grayson was going to say something to me until Mr. Radler said,
"Grayson, enough talking."
Class went on & then the bell rung.
Before he left class he smiled again to me & I looked away.
Grayson seems interesting but... I can't get involved with him, I just can't.

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