Chapter 24

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•few days later•
Gabriella's POV
I came home from school today & I went to my room & locked myself in there.
I reached into my bag & got out the pregnancy test that I bought quickly.
I just need an answer if I'm actually pregnant.
I'm only 16.
I went straight to the bathroom & took the test.
As I waited for the results, I scrolled through my contact list. I tried to find my cousin's number. She got pregnant when she was 15 & now she is 19 so I though she could help me in some type of way.
I went back to the bathroom & I looked at the test.
It came out positive +
I shook with fear.
I threw out the test & ran to my bed. I cried into my hands.
I have no one to talk to about this whole pregnancy with.
Not even Gabriel, who is my brother & best friend.
I was alone.
I looked at my phone & I saw a missed call from Grayson.
I can't tell him now.
I got myself together & decided to call up my cousin from Cali.
"Hello? Karolina?" I said.
"Gabriella? Oh my gosh! Hi."
"Hey." I said.
"Hey, is everything okay?" She asked.
"Mmm...not really. Um, do you think we can talk for a bit?"
I heard a baby crying in the background.
"Of course. Let me put Jacob down for his nap, it will take a sec."
"Yeah, no problem."
I waited a bit & then she came back to the phone.
I told her what happened & how I'm pregnant.
We talked all afternoon & she told me how to be a teen mom & just getting through everything.
Her boyfriend is still with her but I don't know if Grayson would stick around.
All afternoon, I kept talking to Karolina & told her all about Grayson & how he is a Viner & all that stuff.
I kept getting calls & texts from Grayson. I didn't respond. I was to jumpy & nervous to talk to him.
I told him today in school that I felt sick just to have him off my back for a bit while I figured things out.

Grayson's POV
I felt bad that Gaby was sick so I made her some soup & bought her donuts & decided to bring them over her house since she wasn't responding my texts or calls.
When I got there, Gabriella's mom greeted me.
"Hi, Grayson. Nice to see you."
"Same, Ms. M. Um, is Gaby home? I wanted to drop something off for her since she feels sick."
"How sweet. I'll leave it on the table. But yeah, she's in her room. You can go up & see her."
I went up the stairs & I can hear her talking to someone on the phone.
I listened through the sheer door.
"No, I haven't told him. It's too hard right now...He's going to Playlist live. I don't wanna ruin it all."
There was a pause.
"How am I suppose to tell Grayson I'm pregnant?" She said.
I opened the door. And walked in.
I looked at her & she looked at me startled.
"Karolina, I'll call you back." She said & hung up.
There was a pause.
"You heard that?" She said.
I looked at her.
"You're pregnant?"
She sighed.
"Yes. I am."
"Wh-why didn't you tell me?"
"I was afraid. You were so excited about Playlist & I didn't want to stop you."
I hugged her.
"Look, Playlist can wait. I have you as my first priority & you're what matters right now."
"I'm sorry, Grayson. I didn't mean for this to happen."
"You don't need to apologize. Things happen. But we will be okay. I'm here okay?"
She nodded & cried.
"I'm scared." She said.
"Me too." I said & hugged her tighter.
"We need to tell our parents." I said.
"Are you crazy?!" She said.
"C'mon! You need too!"
"It will be...okay."
I know Gaby is scared but there's nothing we can do but try to find support.


Let's see if Grayson will keep that promise.

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