Chapter 18

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*this chapter consists of troubles with eating disorders, nothing serious. but just letting you guys know*

Grayson's POV
Gabriella went out to shopping with her nana & mom, while I slept in that morning until 11:30 am. They made me pancakes & coffee.
I was all alone & I just sat on Twitter & Instagram.
I then heard a knock on the door.
I peeked out & it was Madison.
I opened the door.
"Madison?" I said.
"Hi, Grayson."
"Gabriella isn't here unless you wanted to expose her again."
"No. I'm actually here to see you...can I come in?"
I opened the door & let her in the living room.
"What do you want?" I asked her.
"Look, Grayson. I don't want to cause any problems."
"Spoke too soon."
She sighed.
"But, Gabriella really is a bad person. She isn't who you think she is. She has her secrets."
"Don't we all?"
"Yes, but if you guys are in a relationship there shouldn't be any types of secrets."
"How about you stay outta my relationship with Gabriella? Because her & I are best friends & she has told me everything since last night. She let everything out."
"So she told you about Leo?"
"The way she exposed & ruined my family?"
"Yes. Look, Madison. She told me everything in detail."
"Oh..." She said as she sat closer.
"I bet she didn't tell you that she had anorexia? And bulimia?"
I looked at her shocked.
"No? Well, she usually doesn't tell people anymore. Since I exposed her about it before at school. But she knows that's a dark past of her's that will ALWAYS affect her forever. But just so you know Grayson, there's more secrets. But I can go on forever."
I heard the front door open.
"What are you doing here?!" Gabriella yelled.
Gabriella looked at me. And then at Madison.
"Don't worry. I was about to leave." Madison said as she stood up.
As she walked away see mouthed me,
"I've warned you."
I looked away.
Madison left & Gabriella sat with me.
"What did she tell you?" She said.
I looked at her.
"Are you sure you've told me anything."
I nodded.
"So that thing about that Madison told me that you had anorexia & bulimia, was false?"
She looked at me & got upset.
"It's not a lie...I just didn't know if I should tell you."
"Why?" I said as I held her hand.
"Because that was a very serious & dark period in my life. I was stress, felt ugly & I needed someone. I always thought that I wasn't perfect. I would look in the mirror & I saw that I was fat. I saw something that wasn't me."
I hugged her. I knew it was hard for her to tell me this.
"But my parents found me help. But they also made up a lie that I was out to the Bahamas with one my aunts. And when I came back from treatment, Madison somehow found out that I had bulimia & anorexia. She exposed me in front of everyone at school. I was never the same. I wasn't looked the same after that. But once I got help, everything changed. When I got more better, we moved to New Jersey. And I've never looked back. You're all I've been looking for to help complete me. Just please. Don't let the people here fool you, because I can't lose you."
I hugged her tighter.
"You won't, baby."
I looked at her & held her face.
"Look, you are so goddamn perfect. Everyday I ask myself how I got to fucking lucky to find you & have you to be mine. You make me feel like the luckiest guy ever. You are so special. And I'm sorry you went through all of that alone. I will never let you go."
I hugged her again. It was hard not to.
"Thank you." She said.
"Everything will be okay." I said as I looked at her.
As I looked at her I though about what Madison said. What could she be warning me about?


Wow, looks like all of Gabriella's old habits are behind her. Or are they?

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