Chapter 2

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A/N: Hey guys! I hope I haven't discouraged anyone from reading this fanfic. I think Demetri is kind of underrated and I don't see many fanfictions with him. Maybe one-shots but that's about it. I'm always looking to explore new avenues and ideas when it comes to fanfiction. Hope you guys like this! Happy reading~

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"Look who it is. Knock-off Bonnie and Clyde." the principal sarcastically joked, with a hint of annoyance.

(Y/N) crossed her arms, conveniently seated next to Demetri who copied the gesture, returning the same amount of intolerance she'd held for him. 

"Whatever. Demetri was clearly the one who was looking for a fight." (Y/N) retorted.

"Shut up!" he exclaimed, pouting as he faced the principal, evidently ignoring what (Y/N) had to say. "This is clearly injustice. She's taken up all the extra-curricular activities and I obviously don't want to be around her."

"You can't stand to be around me, knowing I'm better than you." she responded, seeing through his true intentions.

However, (Y/N) was wrong. Demetri's reasons for competing, being a part of something came from somewhere else. And the reality was, she had nothing to do with it. It would take him a while to come to terms with the real reason he'd like to keep himself unusually busy. 

His competitive nature and stubborn attitude were a perfect match. But they all came from a certain problem he's been fighting for a while. 

(Y/N) on the other hand had her own personal reasons for taking part in many extra-curricular activities. Of which, some where out of keeping a well-rounded personality. And another was for recognition.

"ENOUGH!" the principal exclaimed, raising both her hands in the air as means of surrendering."

The bickering got worse and at this point, the principal had enough. She took a moment to clear her throat, before speaking to (Y/N) and Demetri again.

"I see you both submitted expressions of interest in West Valley's cooking contest. How exciting. Winner is declared as the Junior Master Chef, representing our school... Winner gets a chance to meet Gordon Ramsay." the principal verified, positively until her tone of voice was suddenly stern, cold and direct all at the same time. "But if the two of you continue to keep this behaviour up, I will exclude you from this competition."

She stared over at (Y/N), confirming she understood this and would take her warning seriously. A split second later, she did the same with Demetri. A moment of silence took over as she noticed Demetri and (Y/N) had glanced at one another, acknowledging the principal's warning.

"Alright, stop starin' into each-other's eyes. Dismissed!" she blurted, sending them off. 

Upon leaving the principal's office, Demetri snuck past (Y/N), assuring her this wasn't over. He quickly shoved her by an inch to make his presence known. He then proceeded to place an arm around her, without consent. After begrudgingly acknowledging his presence, (Y/N) turned to him.

"This isn't over." he whispered.

"Get your arm off me or I'll rip it off and beat you with it" (Y/N) seethed through her teeth.

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Over at the school's kitchen room, (Y/N) baked a few samples, handing them out for her little club to try. She was happy at all the recognition she was getting. 

"And that is how you make the 3 ingredient brownie. Viola!" she presented.

The small bite sized brownies topped with chocolate sauce on her tray were of such a taste. They screamed nothing but delicious. Almost as if her baking skills were flawless. Nothing compared to the Chef, Gordon Ramsay - someone she was excited to meet.

"Wow this is amazing!" Chris encouraged, hi-fiving her as a gesture of his feedback.

"If I were Ramsay..." Nate chimed in, talking through the brownie he'd been chewing. "I'd say these are amaze-balls!"

"Thankyou, it's taken a long time for me to get it this perfect." she responded.

Chris was very easygoing and nice, hence, she'd hangout with him every now and then. The only downside to that was his friendship with Demetri. Same with Nate. However, when he wasn't around, they were far more helpful and a joy to be around.

As their lunch break proceeded to continue, she stayed to talk to the group gathered in their room, getting to know them as best as she could. In her time at West Valley, it was difficult enough to make friends. Why not find common ground?

Knock Knock!

The sound echoed as a familiar presence entered the room. Text books in his hand, his tall, lanky frame changed the expression on (Y/N)'s face, who'd never looked more pissed off.

"Chris, Nate. What the hell? I thought you guys were my friends!" Demetri whined, urging them to walk out with him. 

"They can have more than one friend, Demetri." (Y/N) smirked, taking her apron off.

She dusted herself off, proceeding to wash the utensils she'd used for her recipe. 

"Yeah? Well- I-" he defended until (Y/N) interrupted him.

"Cat got your tongue, Demetrius?" she completed, eager to listen to his response.

"It's Demetri. Did you even listen to what I said? Chris and Nate are MY friends." 

"Sorry..." (Y/N) sighed. "It takes a while for me to process all this stupidity at once." 

As Nate and Chris thanked her, she offered them another brownie. That is, until Demetri knocked it off their hands, sending the brownie to the floor. Once the brownie hit the floor, (Y/N) surprisingly didn't lose her composure. But she was angry.

"Careful! They're poison" he spat, glaring at (Y/N).

This was where the line had to be drawn. She stared at Demetri, refusing to look elsewhere. She stomped his way, backing him into a corner. Although she kept her composure, she wasn't going to take shit from him.

"I don't have the energy to like you today, Demetri. You can call me all the names you want but that's plain disrespectful." she growled. "Don't ever talk to me."

"Good! Finally! I didn't want to anyway." he scoffed, turning away.

The look on Nate and Chris' faces were of nothing but shock. They followed Demetri out, uncomfortable between the duo's rivalry. But they all had bigger problems on their plate that needed to be dealt with.

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