Chapter 19

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A/N: I apologise if my story was a little rushed in the beginning. I usually spend the first few chapters establishing the characters, motives and reasons for behaving a certain way. Then the next few building up tension and conflict. Halfway through my stories is where I'll usually pick up the plot again and begin to stick to it.

I hope you guys are excited for my upcoming chapters because this is where I've started to stick to the plot on my cover. Thankyou so much for your endless support for both my fanfics. (If you haven't already, check out my Miguel Diaz fanfic on my page)

I am so grateful for your comments, votes and adding my fics to your reading lists. I'd love to know your thoughts on anything about my fanfics that I have written. I'd love to take your feedback on board.

 As always, happy reading!

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Prom was almost coming up for the West Valley students. Although they were still going to go to West Valley, the prom was solely organised to celebrate achievements for students throughout the year. 

As not many students and families attend presentation nights held at West Valley, combining this night along with prom would attract many more students, thus increasing funding and celebrate West Valley's students.

(Y/N) and Tory had agreed not to go to prom. That is, until each of them managed to find their potential dates. 

Tory had spilt her taco on a stranger. An attractive stranger. Little did she realise, he was a college freshman, just starting out his year. (Y/N) ultimately decided to go with Kyler, given he was one of the few that didn't mind her company unlike some of the other guys. However, talking to her was the least of his concerns.

"So, you in for some shopping this afternoon?" (Y/N) offered, scrolling through the cash that her dads had given her.

"I'd go but I'm working a lot. I have a day and night shift straight away after school--" she explained.

(Y/N) flashed her phone in front of her face, suggesting alternatives for her to take. In time, she understood the financial difficulty Tory was going through as they got closer with time.

"Rent a dress." she suggested, showing her one of the million options displayed. "I'm not wearing anything too fancy either."

Tory agreed, quickly deciding she'd wanted to go in a plain velvet pencil dress. She opted for burgundy as (Y/N) placed the order through. She put her wallet away and eventually rented a dress for herself too, given there was nothing to be excited about. Although deep down, she knew at one point she would've loved to pick out a dress for herself. She also knew if things were any better, she would've asked Demetri to be her date.

(Y/N) snapped out of her head as she heard Tory's voice, repeatedly asking the same question over and over again. 

"(Y/N), are you training tonight?" she asked for the fifth time.

"Sorry... I won't be training tonight." 

The girls parted ways, each committed to their own lives. As Tory headed her way, (Y/N) did the same, almost running into Demetri who was headed out the same way as her. 

Without a word, (Y/N) bushed past him, without the intention of grabbing his attention. However, she somehow managed to grab his attention. 

"What the hell do you want?" he coldly snapped, looking her in the eye, simultaneously trying to hide his fear.

Demetri often bit his lip as a way of coping with seeing (Y/N). He slowly backed away, completely unsure on what to do. The thought of her going through the circumstances his best friend did was something he couldn't tolerate.

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