Chapter 22

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A/N: Play this on the last part to set the mood: 

Also, guys this isn't the end just yet ;) There's still a few loose ends to go. Nonetheless, hope you like this chapter.

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It was just (Y/N) against Demetri. The boy hadn't fought back under every circumstance. He came to realise his mistake, only hoping for her to realise hers and come to terms with it. Demetri was whipped. 

His only alternative was to defend himself. As (Y/N) attacked him multiple times, he successfully managed to defend each of her punches and kicks, sometimes combinations which involved targeting him from the back.

"(Y/N)! STOP IT!" Demetri urged, trying to get her to back off.

"This is all your fault!" she hissed, charging at him with another punch. 

He clutched her wrist as tightly as possible, shoving it over to the side. Hot tears slowly begun to brim upon her eyes, each drop desperately threatening to fall out. Demetri noticed this. In an attempt to get her back to her calm state, he placed his hand on her shoulder.

(Y/N) struck back, whipping his arm behind his back. She dragged him to her height, ensuring he'd absorb every word she had to say.

He winced but gathered the courage to defend himself and set her straight this time. Demetri had been put into an arm lock so many times, he figured out what to do if he was in one again. He kicked her in the knee, causing her to fall back and lose her balance.

Demetri picked (Y/N) up by the arm and slammed her against the nearest wall, enough to cause an impact. But not enough to bring pain.

His grip around her wrists tightened as his face morphed into the most blank expression, looking like he was cold and lifeless. Demetri was tired of repeatedly defending himself while (Y/N) was exhausted from fighting him in her prom dress and heels. Not easy.

"Are you done?" he asked, in the most blunt manner.

She continued to struggle against his grip, still having the urge to prove her point and extract revenge from Demetri. He noticed her free hand curling itself into a fist, coming straight for his jaw. 

Demetri pulled the free hand further towards him, yet again pushing (Y/N) back to the same wall he'd slammed her in. This time, he had both her hands pinned down.

"(Y/N) (L/N) ENOUGH!" he bellowed. "Tory, Kreese. Cobra Kai has gotten into your head!" 

"Shut up Demetri! You're so fucking selfish." she snapped, finally able to reach his stomach as she extended her leg as far as she could.

As a result, Demetri lost his grip. (Y/N) kicked him in the stomach again, this time, cornering him. She continued to shove him by applying pressure to his chest. She pushed further, doing everything she could do gain power and control over him.

"And you're annoying" she spoke in between.

"Stupid. Lame. Dumb." 

She continued to throw insults after each shove, making it clear she hated him. But under all that hate, her true feelings for him were heavily concealed.

It only hit her when she remembered back to the night she spoke with her dad and the following evening, just before she made an entrance to prom.

Demetri was furious. Not because of the choices (Y/N) made. But it was all because of how oblivious she had been. All this time, Demetri had done nothing but try to win her over. With Cobra Kai having brainwashed her, it was impossible to get her out of this state of mind. The worst part about it was there was nothing he could do... except hope for the best. And wait.

"But I forgive you." she suddenly confessed.

Confused, Demetri stopped to gather what she was saying. In the background, 'Strawberries and Cigarettes' had been playing on loop as teachers were attempting to get the sound systems up and running after a few major fights taking place - And they were still taking place. All, just to save costs and funding.

"What do you mean, you just--" he rambled, completely confused as to why she said that in the middle of their fight.

"I know that you got jumped by Cobra Kai, the night of my contest."

"How did you--" he croaked, trying to get another question in - until he was cut off. Again.

"My dad told me everything you told him at the hospital." 

Demetri rolled his eyes and sighed, once he realised the truth was now out. He didn't want her to know, simply because he was waiting for the perfect moment to tell her himself.

"It's true. And I'm really sorry. I blamed myself for not coming and watching you team up with Cobra Kai reminded me of my best friend-- who I got back the same night by the way. So he's sort of a part of Miyagi Do now and--"

"Demetri!" (Y/N) exclaimed, hinting for him to get back to the point.

"Sorry." he apologised, taking a step closer to her.

Demetri brushed away the stray pieces of hair dangling in front of (Y/N)'s face. He took a moment to study her features as well as the way her makeup was done. Despite the sweat taking over from some intense fighting, (Y/N) could still pull it off and look good doing it.

"I was so scared, I lost you and I didn't know what to do. Me... your dad... we all want you to come back." he confessed, now trailing both his hands on her shoulders. "(Y/N). Please... come back. I--WE miss you." 

Under all that hostility she projected at him, (Y/N) finally came to know the truth. And that alone was enough to bring her back to her old self. She looked around to see the fights still happening around the gym as teachers attempted to stop the students as best as they could. Eventually, things got so bad, police were called and on their way.

"I'm sorry for not realising how much you meant to me. I was so blinded by this rivalry, I couldn't see that you were the best thing that happened to me. So, can we stop this rivalry for good?" (Y/N) softly responded, catching him by surprise. 

Demetri and (Y/N) were both silent for the next couple of minutes, admiring one another, without saying a word.

She subconsciously found herself leaning in as her arms gravitated towards his neck, wrapped like ribbon. On an impulse, she kissed him and continued until he unexpectedly parted away, trying to process what had just happened.

(Y/N) stuttered, her expressions indicating a great degree of confusion. Demetri took a moment to realise he wasn't dreaming. He cracked half a smile, gently pulling the back of her head towards him. His other arm snaked itself around her waist as he locked his lips with hers. His eyes were shut, purely enjoying the moment. 

An ecstatic (Y/N) reciprocated the gesture, knowing she was no longer Demetri's rival. And that alone was enough for her.

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