Chapter 18

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A/N: How do you guys feel about going to the dark side and joining forces with Cobra Kai? Things are about to get pretty interesting here. Happy reading!

Also, cutie ^^

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(Y/N)'s first encounter with Tory brought them closer. Ever since she was referred to Kreese, she discovered a new persona and confidence to herself. And she liked it very much. Sick of being screwed over, she took all that pent up anger and frustration on the dummy as Tory, in the distance was seen discussing something with Kreese.

To her curiosity, she finished up and proceeded to soak a towel, patting it throughout her face. She turned to Tory, overhearing a few words and getting an idea as to what their conversation was about.

"Destroy Miyagi Dos and show no mercy." was all (Y/N) could manage to hear.

However, she was fully aware more words than that were spoken, given Tory had been there for the past couple of minutes that (Y/N) was training on the dummy for. She approached them, attempting to gain insight. 

"Ah, nice of you to join us dear." Kreese calmly welcomed. "Nichols and I were just discussing the next All Valley."

"What's the All Valley?" (Y/N) softly asked, in between breaths.

"A competition, that's all you need to know. Show people how merciless we are." Kreese explained, gesturing she should compete. "You know, you remind me of an ex student I used to have."

"Hawk. He was just like you, except he betrayed us... for them." Tory chimed in disgust.

"But don't worry. We'll show them what we're made of." Kreese chuckled, reassuring the girls that he won't let them down.

Tory and (Y/N) assembled themselves, facing each other across the mat as Kreese stood in the middle. At this point, their friendship had gotten so strong, they were both able to cop punches and kicks from one another. Almost like they'd been numb to the pain.

(Y/N) proceeded to land a flying kick towards Tory who had successfully grabbed her leg, pulling her in. Kreese halted the fight to interrupt (Y/N).

"Now do you think that's a smart move, Miss (L/N)?" he intervened.

(Y/N) had worked herself to the bone today. Thankfully, Kreese had noticed and chose to go slightly easy on her. He stood back again, once she'd realised her mistake. As the girls continued to spar, a familiar presence stood by the door with two other students.

A man dressed formally, entered alongside his daughter and her friend. The three walked in, searching frantically for Kreese. Tory and (Y/N) glared at the students, ignoring the adult in between them. 

Sam and Demetri had entered with Daniel. Tory did her best to intimidate Sam while (Y/N)'s piercing gaze met with Demetri's fear-struck eyes. He almost looked like he'd been traumatised, after seeing a newly improved and intimidating (Y/N). 

"Keep your students away from ours, Kreese." Daniel spat as he gestured Demetri who had once again managed to hurt himself.

(Y/N) observed as Daniel pointed to severe bruises that developed over time. These were the kinds of bruises that someone would've caused with great effort.

"I can't say I have any control over what my students do. Maybe you should teach yours to defend themselves. After all... we'll see who the best is at the All Valley." Kreese laughed, crossing his arms whilst looking at Sam and Demetri with a great amount of pity.

"You better watch your back, LaRusso..." Tory seethed through her teeth.

"She's right, because we'll come after you. And we won't stop." (Y/N) hissed, chiming in.

And that was the moment Demetri saw the life leave her eyes. Even though she wasn't necessarily dead. That one mistake had cost him a lot more than he could imagine. 

Demetri paused to soak this in, eventually leaving the Cobra Kai dojo. Because as far as he was concerned, he had lost her for good. And there was almost no way of getting the old (Y/N) back.

"I think I'm going to go." he croaked, almost on the verge of tears.

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A distraught Demetri sat alone at the park, with Sam and Daniel around to cheer him up. Although he had a lot of friends, including Hawk to have his back, he was scarred when he realised (Y/N) was going through the same pattern that his best friend once did. He broke down in Daniel's arms, in his most vulnerable moment. 

"This is my fault." he bawled in between breaths. "I shouldn't have done that to her and now she's like this."

"Demetri--No." Daniel added, trying to get a word in between his sobbing. 

He reassured him, gently tapping his shoulder every once in a while. Smartass Demetri, suddenly as fragile as glass was something almost no one had seen. 

"Kreese got into her head too. At least you got Hawk back." Sam added, hoping to cheer him up.

He pulled away, wiping the excess drops off of his face. Repeatedly sniffling, he cracked a gentle smile, realising he did indeed get his best friend back. 

(Y/N) didn't realise how guilty he'd felt about everything. All she could see was the guilt across his face and the pain he caused her... Not the pain he felt when he noticed that significant change in her. She didn't realise how much he regretted taking everything away from her in a heartbeat, just to prove a point and get her to talk to him. 

"I just think... no matter how hard I try, it's like we're meant to be like this." he spoke, after a moment. 

"She'll realise it herself. Just like your friend did and came back to you." Daniel answered, hoping to reassure him.

"What if it's too late?" 

"Kreese turned her into a weapon. You're hurt because she mattered to you." Sam added, as her hand pat his knee, exactly twice.

Demetri was left with Sam to think about what to do next. There was a slim chance she was going to come back to him. But right now, things weren't looking so good and all Demetri could do was hope. He sighed, eventually leaving the park with them both.

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"Did you see his smug face, Tory? I want to wipe that off for good." (Y/N) growled as her hands curled themselves into a tight fist. 

She agreed, holding the foil paper close to her mouth, taking a bite out of her taco. The girls aimed to finish dinner as early as they could, given how hungry and tired they'd been after training. 

As they walked across the street, passing by the diner that Demetri showed up to, (Y/N)'s face dropped. She remembered a time when Demetri had been there for her. Despite being her rival, she reminisced upon the time that these two would somehow show up for one another.

"(Y/N) let's go!" Tory yelled across in the distance.

"Ass-- AS I was saying." (Y/N) emphasised after stuttering to correct herself. "He's one insult away from war."

She clenched her jaw, rubbing the top and bottom parts of her teeth together. For the first time, (Y/N) had truly had enough of Demetri. And it was going to take a lot to forgive him.

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A/N: How do you guys feel about Demetri getting vulnerable here? What are your thoughts on both character developments - yourself and Demetri's? Let me know in the comments. I'm always seeking some feedback here and there so I'd love to know what's on your mind!

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