Chapter 12

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A/N: I lowkey know what you guys are expecting in this chapter. But keep reading... ;)

Also I need this boy wtf, he's so cute!

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The weekend had finally come up, giving (Y/N) a chance to wind down. She'd been out eating ice cream and hanging out at the park with her friends. A bonus for her since Demetri had stayed home to rest.

"Hey! I forgot to tell you." Chris mumbled while indulging into his favourite ice cream. "Demetri wanted me to give you this." 

(Y/N) took the slip of paper Chris had given her, scanning through the words written on the piece of paper. On it was an address, phone number and date. 

"It's Demetri's birthday party tonight. He wanted me to give you this." Chris explained, pointing to the words written on the paper.

Upon accepting it, (Y/N) questioned whether or not she should go. After all, despite their rivalry, there were nice things he'd done for her. Some, of which she knew. And some, of which she didn't know.

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As she walked through the sand with Chris, (Y/N) looked around to see many familiar faces. Of which, these were people Demetri knew. Who knew he was this popular? His close friends, their friends and their friends of friends. The group just extended further. In the meantime, she was looking for Demetri, presuming he'd gone off talking to a bunch of people.

She dodged the lumps, jumping over the parts with the most sand, since she didn't want to get any in her shoes. In the distance, she noticed Demetri sitting by himself on a log, sipping his drink. (Y/N) turned to Chris, insisting that he join her. 

"(Y/N), you go. I'll catch up, I just need to get a drink." he urged, directing himself away to the drinks.

Nervous, she proceeded to make her way over to him. Demetri was too busy observing the waves in the distance to pay attention to her. He continued to sip the contents in his drink, eventually setting his cup down. By the time he finished, (Y/N) had shown up, placing herself next to him.

"Happy Birthday!" she wished, as softly and politely as she could. "How come you aren't over with the others, celebrating?"

"I was. But I was waiting for you..." he responded.


Demetri had a lot to say. A lot. He didn't know where to start. Knowing he was taking a big risk, he took a long pause to think before he spoke. This could be a situation where he could either win or lose it all... simply by risking it all.

"I'm not competing in the cooking competition." he started off, as (Y/N) glanced at him, completely confused.

She opened her mouth to speak until Demetri cut in once again, having more to say.

"I overheard you talking about your date by the lockers. And I knew he wasn't going to show up but gave him a chance anyway." he continued to explain.


"I just.. I just.." he stammered, clearing his throat once again to speak. "Well, my best friend left me for that gang. Guy with the red mohawk. He was the one I'd celebrate my birthday with and he's not here today."

(Y/N) shifted closer as she found his voice get more quieter. Unable to hear him, she moved, enough to have her ear half a metre away from him. 

"So why do you hate me then?" she interjected, wanting to know the real reason behind why he was, the way he was.

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