Chapter 13

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A/N: Ok guys here we go!

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A couple of days after the party that night when (Y/N) was drunk, Yasmine was furious by what she'd seen.

She now crossed her arms and scooted closer to Demetri, at the nearest bench on the street. She sighed, knowing she came to the right conclusion when she saw the incident between himself and (Y/N). 

Yasmine eventually came to terms with how she'd felt about the entire situation. It was difficult for her to keep someone that would gravitate himself away from her. 

"Demetri, there's no easy way for me to say this but I'm breaking up with you..." she sighed, finally gathering the courage to do so. 

After the front wedge incident, followed by her trip to Paris, Yasmine had completely changed. Completely. 

"Why?" he pouted, confused as to why she was suddenly calling it off.

"I don't need to stick around any longer. I saw the way you looked at her when you took care of her while she was drunk." Yasmine explained. "You're so in love with her."

Demetri froze, figuring out whether Yasmine was speaking the truth or used that as an excuse to dodge him. At first, he debated everything she was saying. He refused to believe he'd caught feelings for (Y/N) - his enemy. His rival. 

"You guys fight but it's because deep down you care for one another." she added, as she placed a hand on his cheek.

"Yasmine, what are you trying to say?" Demetri clarified, still fighting his feelings.

"You both do so much for one another without realising it. I'm glad I got to date you. But I'm not the girl for you." she admitted, planting a gentle peck on his cheek.

He stood there, still completely dumbfounded. Yasmine had a point and Demetri had eventually realised she was right all along. This was the last he'd seen of her. 

From this day on, Demetri hadn't heard much from Yasmine as all his attention since that night was on (Y/N), attempting to get her attention as best as he could. This included showing up for her. As much as he could... As best as he could.

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Demetri found himself laying on the sand with a passed out (Y/N) on top of him. He found his jacket was still half open, forgetting that he was helping her warm up. Forgetting he'd temporarily fallen asleep, he blinked vigorously to assure himself that he was no longer lost in thought or dreaming.

"(Y/N)... wake up" he whispered, tracing her cheek.

He'd noticed her eyes flutter open as she took her time to snap out of her deep slumber. Her eyes drifted up to his, realising she was now closer than ever. Because the first thing she saw upon waking up, was his face. And now, there was only one thing left for her to do.

Close the gap.

She pressed his chin to tuck itself in, enabling him to lean in further. At this point, they were less than an inch away.

"What?" Demetri whispered with a smile dancing playfully across his face.

(Y/N) zoomed in closer for a millisecond, after all that mental torture she'd put herself through. She'd finally grown a pair, closing the gap. The two were unable to feel their fingers, given how cold it was getting around them. 

Proceeding to open her eyes and pull apart, she was prevented from doing so, with Demetri's face pressing itself closer, to deepen their bond. He furrowed his brows, massaging the back of her head whilst holding onto a handful of hair to gently stroke it.

It wasn't certain whether (Y/N) had intended to dream of this moment or whether it was her subconscious. Either way, it didn't matter. Her body tingled when his was pressed closer to hers as each second went by.

Demetri felt his stomach tighten, forming a knot. He'd felt mixed emotions the last time he tried. But this time, he was very certain about her. There wasn't a moment of hesitation.

He retracted himself an inch away from her, pressing his forehead against hers. (Y/N) was unable to open her eyes, completely shocked by what had happened. Except this time, she hadn't freaked out. It was evident that the both of them had wanted this for a while.

(Y/N) finally opened her eyes, sitting up, allowing room for Demetri to do the same. 

"So..." (Y/N) croaked, unable to get the words out.

She found herself unable to say anything to him and ended up stumbling upon her words, whenever she tried to talk to him.  Her hand slowly crept it's way up to Demetri's knee, gesturing for him to hold her hand since it was difficult for her to say anything.

"I don't really remember what we were fighting about all this time, now that I look back." Demetri chuckled, sitting with his knees up whilst his hands rested on his sides.

"I'm sorry I forgot-- forgot to bring you a present." (Y/N) stuttered, fumbling on her words halfway.

Demetri rotated his frame to face her once again. His arm snaked itself around her waist, pulling her in. He gently pecked her on the lips, ensuring she didn't worry too much.

"It's ok. This is the best birthday present ever." he smiled. "Now why don't we go join the others?"

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Repeatedly kicking the sand, (Y/N) shuffled her way over to the other end where the others were partying away. She ran over to Chris, snatching off a few drinks before he had the chance to consume her share.

She'd subconsciously ignored Demetri after their moment, unsure of how to approach him. This was new. 

"Having fun?" she chirped, over the loud music playing in the background as Chris raised his bottle up in the air, mindlessly.

(Y/N) did the same but sipped her drink instead, making sure she wasn't too wasted. She danced as much as she could, busting the same moves Chris was until Demetri interrupted with a few moves of his own. 

She snickered, watching him come up with his own movies. Dorky, cute and sweet at the same time. No one had ever taken Demetri for a dancer. That is, until he was buzzed enough to confidently show off and run his big mouth again.

"May I have this dance?" he offered, holding out a hand for (Y/N) to grab.

She turned over to Chris, who'd had the best expression on his face, despite being drunk. Her voice was strained from all the yelling. But she was able to let out a chuckle, accepting his offer. Chris' mouth gaped wide open as he watched the two rivals become closer than ever.

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