Chapter 4

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"You've been staring at him an awful lot. What's gotten into you?" a male voice asked as he set his bag down, taking a seat by the lunch table in the cafeteria next to (Y/N). 

Chris. He popped his lunch tray next to (Y/N), following her gaze towards her rival. 

"I don't get it. Why do you guys hate each other so much?" he asked.

"He keeps stealing the spotlight. Yet he blames me for stepping on him. I want my work to be recognised, not being all popular for no reason like that turdnugget" she vented as Chris whistled, overwhelmed at what she had to say.

(Y/N) shrugged, sipped her juice box quietly observing Demetri in the corner with his arm around Yasmine. Her nostrils flared, seeing how he was upset yesterday from being beaten up, to becoming Mr Popular today. Something didn't seem right. Today, he seemed rather fine, despite being stitched up.

"HEY DEMETRI!" (Y/N) exclaimed as she stomped over to him. 

In her hand was a half eaten pizza slice, filled with cheese, vegetables and chilli. She raised her arm and turned her wrist outward simultaneously, projecting it forward. The pizza slice was released and momentarily flew in the air, aiming straight for Demetri's face. 



Throughout the cafeteria, everyone was silent for a moment, watching the impact take place. (Y/N) froze for a minute, realising she'd humiliated him around many people. 

The silence quickly faded, replaced by high levels of noise conveying laughter and joy. All eyes were on Demetri who was busy wiping the sauce and vegetables off his face. His bloodshot eyes glared at (Y/N) who smirked, knowing she got her revenge for what he did to her.

"And that's for saying my brownies were full of poison." she announced, cocky and glad that she got her revenge.

Why did she do it? Who knows. 

As Demetri stormed off, (Y/N) was approached by the same group of jocks she'd seen earlier at the Diner. She crossed her arms, anticipating for them to state their motive and leave her alone. Kyler pushed past his friends, close enough to her. He was fairly tall, so (Y/N) tilted her chin up a little higher to get a good look.

"That was pretty cool." he chuckled. "Have you thought about what I--" 

"What's in it for me?" (Y/N) interrupted, sternly.

"Ok, get this. We both hate the same person. I'll help you win that cooking contest you're desperate to win. You help me get that dork away from my friend." he offered again.

"How did you know I--" 

"C'mon. Don't you think I'd do a little digging and see who else shares the same enemy?"

(Y/N) thought about it for a while. After all, she did hate Demetri with a passion, given he was always trying to make her look bad. She'd had enough of him by now. He was in most of her classes, including her favourite art class now. 

"The enemy of my enemy... is my enemy." she stated, monotonously.

As Kyler's hand was out, he was shocked upon hearing what she had to say. He cleared his throat about to take it away until (Y/N) reached for it. She vigorously shook his hand, agreeing to his deal. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"(Y/N) what was the point of throwing that pizza slice at him?" Chris asked, concerned . "I've never seen you act out like that before, even though he pisses you off a lot."

She rolled her eyes, ignoring Chris completely even though she only had him walk her home. As she pulled her phone out, texting her gaming buddy. Demigod290. 

He'd left a couple of messages for her to respond to. She smiled at her phone screen, responding to all his questions as best as she could. Most of the questions proceeded to ask about her day, how she's going and what her plans were for the day. And that was when she decided to open up to him for the first time.

(Y/N): Hey Demigod290. There's this guy I HATE with a passion. He's always stealing the spotlight with his dumb face. I honestly want to shove his head in dirt.

She closed her phone, walking with Chris for the rest of the route as they were headed the same way.

"Was that your gamer crush?" he winked. 

(Y/N)'s eyes widened with great shock. Ironically, she'd never mentioned to anyone that she'd been texting a fellow gamer. A boy. She turned to Chris, looking at him like she'd just suffered from a panic attack.

"What gamer crush?" she deflected, still processing the question.

"C'mon, (Y/N) it's so obvious. You just smiled at your phone and... your cheeks went a little pink. Specially the left one." he stated, pointing at her left cheek.

During a moment of silence, (Y/N) thought about why she'd resorted to publicly humiliating Demetri in front of everyone. In a way, she'd felt bad. Yet, in another way, she felt amazing. Kyler had also hated Demetri just as much as she did, hence she'd consider her outburst justified. Somewhat, at least.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Demigod290: Hey, MissV. Don't worry, I know. There's a girl at my school who I also hate. I wish I could just knock her out with my bare hands. 

The text was sent back to (Y/N) as the phone was then placed back where it belonged. His pocket. He proceeded to continue about his daily life, curious as to who he was speaking to over the game. Who was this fellow gamer?

He opened his phone again, calmly scrolling through the messages and information shared between them. There wasn't much going on in his life. But one of the best things about it was he shared a bond with this fellow gamer.

Who was the boy (Y/N) kept sending these texts to? Who was the person she would game with every now and then when she found some time on her hands? 

It was none other than Demetri himself. 

Rivals in person. Best friends online...

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