Chapter 7

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The cooking contest was just around the corner. However, it was hard to focus in any other class. (Y/N) had been so consumed by the contest and proving Demetri wrong, she'd forgotten the class was playing soccer today.

Luckily for her, Chris lent her his uniform even though it was too big for her. She'd almost looked like a paper bag, wearing his clothes.

(Y/N) was put into the same team as Demetri, in which she only realised when she saw he hadn't worn a rest vest around his grey t-shirt. She sighed, jogging over to the same brunette she'd met at the party. 

"Besides, what's a game of soccer, without a little physical contact?" she smirked. "Hey, you're the new girl! I'm Sam by the way."

(Y/N) quietly shook her hand, preparing for the game against the red vested team. 

"You're going down" (Y/N) seethed under her breath as she passed Demetri.

She took her place in the soccer field, ready to play. As the ball started in the middle of the field, it rolled around past the team members wearing the red vests. (Y/N) intercepted the ball, proceeding to kick it in Demetri's face.

"(Y/N) over--" he yelled, raising his arms up in the air until he felt the impact.

Demetri winced as he held his nose with both his hands. He crouched to the ground until he could compose himself again. Demetri had the ball in his field this time. As he circled around (Y/N), he kicked her leg, causing her to fall forward.

"YOU GUYS! YOU'RE ON THE SAME TEAM" Sam objected, attempting to get him to pass the ball over to her.

The soccer ball continued to roll around the field under Demetri's control. He proceeded to "pass" the ball to (Y/N) again, only to kick it high enough to hit her on the head. When she had enough, she charged towards him like a bull, tackling him to the ground. 

"What the fuck is your problem?!" she exclaimed.

Demetri elbowed her stomach with his free arm, dominating the space between them. He had her arms pinned above her head.

"My problem? You're the one who started this fight!" he retaliated.

The soccer game had continued in the background as the rest of the team attempted to keep the ball in their control. Meanwhile, Demetri had pinned his rival down for as long as he could. However, his arms were about to give in. (Y/N) struggled continuously, enough to tire him out.

"Get the hell off me, Demetri! Or I'll punch you in the face." she threatened.

"Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try"

(Y/N) jogged across the field as the whistle blew out loud in the background. Following her, he kept up with her pace as they went over to take their positions.

"What's wrong, can't fight?" he mocked. "You know, I put in such a good offer for you. And you ruined it. By being a fucking loser."

He knelt to the ground, spinning his good leg under (Y/N)'s. She faceplanted the ground again. As she slowly helped herself get back on her feet, she tackled Demetri from the back, angry at everything that had happened between them. Right from the moment he pushed her off at that party.

"Did you really think I'd forget?!" she shouted, close enough to his face. "I still remember what happened that night--!"

"What happened that night... was a joke." Demetri completed, pushing her off.

(Y/N) clenched her teeth. She stormed over to him, fast enough to allow herself to staunch up to his height. Although she was shorter than him, she wanted to make a strong appearance. Something he would always remember her by.

"You know what else is a joke?" she huffed.


She lifted her foot, at level with his waist. She aimed just under, kicking him between his inner thighs where the sun doesn't shine. It was enough to send Demetri to the floor, holding the most sensitive part.

In the background, the school's gym teacher came running to the field. She'd seen everything. And this time, she'd seen enough.

"Alright, both of you to the principal's office!" she demanded, pointing over to the building.

- - - - - - - - - - 

"Seriously, I have to deal with you both again?!" the principal exclaimed, annoyed.

(Y/N) raised her hand, waiting her turn to speak. She glared back at Demetri, who'd reciprocated the same look her way. 

"Now, before I let you speak, both of you will be receiving Saturday detention. Take this as a warning. BOTH OF YOU!" she sternly explained, crossing her arms.

Demetri sighed, turning away to hide his pain. He flinched from the impact (Y/N) gave him to remember back over at the field. Meanwhile, (Y/N) had crossed her arms, ignoring everything that had to do with Demetri.

"Until you both learn to get along, I am also revoking your interest for the cooking contest" the principal added.

"N-No, you can't do that! That's not fair!" (Y/N) pleaded, almost upset.

"She can and she did, you incompetent peasant!" Demetri interrupted, to spite her as he usually would. "Maybe you shouldn't have kicked me in the balls!"

"Maybe you should mind your own business and leave me the hell alone!" she retaliated.

"Maybe you should stop being a Miss-Know-It-All for once in your life." 

"Maybe you should--"

"ENOUGH!" the principal interjected, slamming her hands on the table and causing her paperwork to fall to the floor. "Both of you!"

It was obvious their rivalry was getting out of hand. Every attempt they made to befriend each-other or go further than that was becoming pointless. Things had always gone well until the last minute, between these two. 

The principal cleared her throat, until she was calm again and ready to speak. She inhaled, practising her deep breathing exercises to help her get ahold of this situation.

"I am sending you both on community service every weekend and make sure you're always working together. Until you both learn to get along with one another." the principal finalised. "I will be sending someone to check in every week."

Demetri and (Y/N) glanced at each-other, then back at the principal. Their faces conveyed great amounts of shock and despair, knowing they were stuck with one another.

"I'd rather stick my head in the toilet than sit next to this douche!" (Y/N) taunted, crossing her arms as she kicked him in the leg.

"Ms (L/N)! Don't make me kick you off the cooking contest." the principal retaliated, gesturing her to keep to herself.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Upon being dismissed, (Y/N) stormed off to the other end of the school. What a day! She'd happened to run into Kyler, who had done nothing but contribute himself as negative energy. As the day progressively got worse for (Y/N), she found herself removing anyone that dared to talk to her, other than her close friends.

"Kyler go away!" she hissed, storming past him. 

"What happened?" he frowned, smiling and waving over at Demetri.

"It's over. The plan was a bust cause you couldn't keep your hands to yourself. Just leave me alone." she mumbled, storming off, leaving Kyler dumbfounded.

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