Chapter 14

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This was it. Today was the big day. (Y/N) had been preparing for this day all along, including having mental breakdowns over silly mistakes. She was confident she'd be getting all the support she'd needed for tonight's competition which was due to take place at the school's back hall near the gymnasium.

She swiped her phone, messaging Demetri to confirm if he was coming, to which, he'd indicated he'd show up in the next hour. An anxious (Y/N) paced herself around the room at the back of the building.

Her dads were waiting with her, proud of their daughter for making it this far. (Y/N) wanted to show her work off and this was one of the best ways to do it. Parents and other students of West Valley High were present among the crowds, eager to see who would win the contest. 

As time passed, (Y/N) spent it conversing with her dads and classmates, as much as she could until she was certain that Demetri would be around. 

Demetri still didn't come.

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Bert was unexpectedly thrown across the window, shattering the glass. He groaned in pain, facing Miguel. Blood was drawn across his face as he was unable to get up from his current position.

Demetri turned to see his ex best friend, followed by the entire Cobra Kai gang coming in. His brows furrowed, realising what was about to happen next. The gang cornered his group as they all stepped back in fear and shock.

Behind them, another door slammed open to see a tall blonde woman in black pants and a skull jacket. Also, a part of Cobra Kai. Demetri took on a fellow Cobra Kai member cornering him near the staircase as he uppercut him in the jaw with all the strength he had.

"Fuck!" he whispered, realising what he was missing. "I have to go, guys." 

"We're in the middle of something here, man. C'mon!" Mitch exclaimed, kicking another Cobra Kai member out of his way.

Demetri proceeded to take down another two members over by the hallway, repeatedly jump kicking them off of Nate, who was slammed into a wall. Unsuccessful, he copped a kick to the rib, sending him to the couch near the Christmas tree. He groaned in pain, seeing the same Cobra Kai member cornering him. That was when Mitch attempted to help him up.

Before he knew it, he was held in an arm lock, the same way Hawk had held him over at the arcade.

Demetri had somewhere to be... But here he was, held down by his rival gang.

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Meanwhile, (Y/N)'s eyes met with both her dad's pleading to know where Demetri was. And why he didn't show up today, the most important day.

Disappointed, she waited for her queue to start cooking within the time limit and set of ingredients given to her. The point of the competition was to use the ingredients she is provided with in order to make a meal out of them. She'd learnt to adapt quicker to life, applying these same skills to her love life - given Demetri hadn't shown up. 

And away she went, cooking up the best dish she ever could with the ingredients presented to her.

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Repeatedly kneed in the ribs, Dog snickered, tightening his grip as his eyes darted over to Hawk's.

"Hey Hawk! Free shot!" he chuckled, looking over at his other mate next to him, approvingly.

Hawk's nostrils flared up as he charged straight for the boys, knocking them over at the same time. He slammed Doug against the glass coffee table, watching the tiny little pieces shatter everywhere. A confused Demetri backed away, believing Hawk would harm him again. 

Hawk had apologised for everything he'd put Demetri through. The next thing he knew, he got his best friend back. As Hawk slid under Demetri's grip to kick other Cobra Kai members, Demetri pulled out his phone to see a row of texts from (Y/N). He backed himself into a corner, while Hawk momentarily covered for him.

"Shit... I can't believe I missed it." he sighed, knowing exactly what he had done. "Shit, what have I done?"

"DEMETRI!" Hawk exclaimed.

Demetri noticed the reason and proceeded to roundhouse kick Doug once again after he'd recovered from being slammed against the coffee table, made from glass. Content, Demetri was ecstatic that he got his best friend back but realised what else was at stake. 

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A distraught (Y/N) left the school with a runner up prize. Although she was grateful for everything she'd gotten, she'd still passed up the opportunity to meet someone famous. However, it wasn't the competition or the prize for the lead that got to her. It was the fact that someone who'd shown up for her so much, forgot to show up on this particular day.

She turned to her dads, each looking down at her with an apologetic look on their faces. Jonah stayed, assuring her that everything will be fine. He was certain Demetri had a legitimate explanation. 

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." he apologised, rubbing her shoulder reassuringly.

"I can't believe he did this to me." (Y/N) thought to herself, disappointed that she'd let herself believe he liked her. 

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A/N: HAHAHA I know you guys must be upset with me. But seriously, there is a fair bit to go. You're in for quite a ride so keep a lookout! 

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