Chapter 3

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That afternoon when school had finished for the day, (Y/N) sat on the bench at a park nearby. She buried her face in her hands, pretty much over everything that had been going on. 

She'd yet again forgotten her keys. With her dad and his boyfriend spending their days at the hospital, given they were both nurses, she would spend most of her time home alone. And that's where her love for cooking - mostly baking, developed.

As she sat outside, observing how well people got along with one another, she wished she could make friends that easily. But it was hard, when everyone seemed to belong to a particular group or clique - the nerds, the jocks, the popular girls, the goths. The categories could go on. But which category would she fit into? 

She checked her phone for the time, hoping at least one of her dad's would be home tonight. 


Her phone screen flashed with one of her dad's messages.

"Sorry sweetie, working over time. Jonah left some money for you to order pizza. Love you so much, sweetheart." it read.

She sighed and made her way to the nearest Diner. Smitty's Diner. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Upon entering, she'd seen a few familiar faces from school. She was nice to them as they were mutually nice to her. But most of the kids at school and (Y/N) weren't very close.

She found herself a table, proceeding to scroll through the menu for dining options. She'd saved up a fraction of her pocket money from the past couple of weeks to buy groceries. What's the point if her dad and his boyfriend were practically not home?

"I'll just get the usual. Cheeseburger and fries. Lemonade for drinks." she sighed, handing the waiter the menu.

Whilst waiting for her order, she'd noticed a group of jocks from school passing her. These were the main jocks that would mess with just about every kid at West Valley. Kyler and his gang - as she would refer them by.

"Hey! I've seen you somewhere." one of them gasped, pointing towards (Y/N).

"We go to the same school." she monotonously replied, scrolling through her phone.

She didn't bother looking up at the group. Most of the boys took the hint and left. Assuming she'd finally be left alone in peace to eat, one of them stuck around. He plopped himself to a seat, introducing himself.

"Kyler. Ignore those guys. I know who you are." he acknowledged.

He pulled out his phone, placing it in front of her. As she peered over at the screen, it had a blank page with the keyboard up and running.

"Would it be too early for me to ask for your number?" he flirtatiously asked, suggesting he wanted to get to know her on another level.

"Why do you want my number? We don't even know each other." she mumbled.

"We hate the same person..." Kyler added, gesturing to his phone screen. "I was thinking we could form an alliance, for starters. Sensei's always looking for new recruits."

"I don't know what you're talking about." (Y/N) frowned. "But whatever it is, I'm not interested."

"That son of a bitch Demetri. I know you don't like him either. You guys are always bickering in class."

Upon declining, Kyler refused to leave his seat. She raised an eyebrow, wondering why he was sticking around with her anyway. She'd wanted nothing to do with him.

"Well, if you change your mind, you know who to call..." Kyler encouraged.

He smoothly snuck a pen behind the waiter's pocket, ripping a piece of paper from one of the papers on the wall, that advertised the Diner's deals.

Until her food arrived, (Y/N) spent the rest of her time at the diner, contemplating on what she would do forming an alliance with Kyler. The possibilities were endless. But perhaps it would give her a bigger advantage towards winning the competition as well as getting back at Demetri.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

After finishing her food, (Y/N) proceeded to head to the bookstore down inside the mall, in search for the latest issue on Gordon Ramsay's newly released cookbook. It would be the perfect opportunity for her to get an autograph and show she'd met someone famous. Of course, alongside getting a photo with him.

"Oh hell no..." she mentally cursed, seeing Demetri in the comic book store next door.

Before she could enter inside, he knew she was here, standing between the two shops. Demetri looked up from his book, to glare at (Y/N) who returned the favour with a far more intense glare. Her expressions softened when she'd noticed Demetri was now expressing shock and fear at the same time. 

Confused, she looked him in the eye to figure out what was happening. A bunch of footsteps echoed throughout the area until they gradually built up, getting louder with each step.

(Y/N) jerked her head behind herself, seeing a group of boys with Cobra Kai shirts and jackets. They huddled together, looking back over at Demetri who had already made a run for it.

"Oh no.. no no no no no" he panted whilst running away from the group.

A curious (Y/N) followed behind the gang, unsure of what was happening. It was bad enough that he was on her bad side. Little did she know he'd made many more enemies. With that smart ass mouth and obnoxious criticism he throws at people, it was inevitable that he'd make a lot of enemies.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

"Oh wow, they got you pretty good" (Y/N) mocked, placing herself next to Demetri.

As he turned to face her, she looked at the places where he was beat up and bleeding. She'd noticed a light bruise that was gradually forming as well. 

"Don't. As if I don't have enough on my plate." he mumbled, throwing bits of rubble in the shape of rocks by the parking lot outside the mall.

There was complete silence between them. Not the kind of silence one would appreciate. This was very awkward, uncomfortable and unsettling silence. It was risky to make jokes at each other's expense.

"So, do you wanna talk about it or--" she suggested, slurring her words until she was interrupted.


Demetri stormed off, refusing to look back at her or give her insight as to what had happened back at the mall.

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