Chapter 17

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A/N: Alright we are back on track. I hope you guys are liking this story so far. Let me remind you guys, the first half of the story was just basic rivalry. The real drama has just started and you guys are in for quite a ride. This is where the real shit begins. As always, send in your comments/feedback. I appreciate them so much and I'll do my best to get around to replying.

Happy reading!

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By the next two weeks, (Y/N) laid low, keeping herself out of the spot light as much as she could. She passed up multiple opportunities to clear things up with Demetri. He'd persistently tried to get her attention and all she could do was dismiss his presence. 

Chris had grown to become suspicious of (Y/N). His suspicions were confirmed when he caught her with Tory, hanging out. Although she was Cobra Kai, he believed (Y/N) would never turn her back or forget her old friends. With giving her the benefit of the doubt, Chris made multiple efforts to make sure Demetri avoided starting up an argument with his rival. 

That is, until Demetri caught her hanging out with Tory. Furious, he approached her in a manner that tarnished his self-respect. 

"What the hell do you think you're doing hanging out with them?" he spat, glaring at Tory, specifically.

"Excuse me but you don't get to decide who I can and can't talk to!" (Y/N) retorted, angry that he had the audacity to pry into her life.

The one thing that haunted him most was her transition. Becoming cold as ice towards him reminded him of the time Eli became Hawk. History repeats itself. 

Demetri, of all people should have known this. His behaviour towards Eli wasn't particularly the best, causing him to join Cobra Kai and show no mercy. The same pattern was wearing off on (Y/N) and this time, he had no control over the situation.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry I just wanted to explain what happened that night-" he sighed, fumbling around with the right words to say.

"Save it, Demetri. I'm done with you." she intervened.

Demetri stormed away, angrily. On the way, he kicked a couple of bins standing by, causing him to land up in the principal's office.

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"What the hell has gotten into you, Demetri?" the principal exclaimed. "You know better than to knock the bins down. The Dream Team spent ages trying to get people to recycle and you've just knocked those bins over."

Demetri crossed his arms, blankly looking at the principal. Clearly, she was only concerned with what he had done, rather than what he was going through. Demetri proceeded to get up in the middle of the conversation until he was slapped with a note, sending him to take part in community service.

"Maybe you need to do at least 20 hours of community service over the next two weeks." the principal concluded.

Annoyed, Demetri abruptly left the room, shoving the note in his bag. In the distance, he saw his rival, conversing with his other team of rivals. As she was now part of them, Demetri had figured that's where she belonged. When (Y/N) meant this was war between them, she truly meant it.

When (Y/N) waved to her new friends, she headed straight for the school's swimming pool to get her mind off of things. Although she wasn't the best swimmer, she knew her way round the pool. The feeling of water on her skin was enough to keep her content.

Demetri followed, catching her eye before she'd entered the ladies change room. He held her by the shoulders, encouraging her to give him one last chance to talk things out. 

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