Chapter 6

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A/N: Let me know what you guys think in the comments! I'd love to hear your feedback. As always, happy reading!

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That same evening, Kyler took it upon himself to drag (Y/N) to a party. He'd explained it was important for her to make an appearance as he knew Demetri was going to show up. Just about every kid at West Valley was going to be there.

As (Y/N) proceeded to head out the door, she'd noticed Kyler's car already waiting. It was fun, fake-dating Kyler. She'd get free rides to places, being the most enjoyable part. But she'd have to kiss him every now and then to spite Demetri. One of the parts she didn't particularly like about Kyler.

"So, we ready to go?" he asked, watching her rush with her untied shoelaces.

(Y/N) managed to trip, faceplanting the floor. As she nodded, she sat by the passenger seat, simultaneously tying her shoelace. 

When they reached the party, her first instinct was to look for Demetri. Walking past the other kids, she looked around, then glanced back at Kyler.

"We go our own separate ways here." he instructed.

(Y/N) nodded, pacing herself around the room to get a good look. She managed to get herself started with a few drinks she snuck off people's hands and tables. 

A drinking competition took place outside. She'd noticed a blonde and brunette competing. She'd rooted for the blonde at first, until she'd fallen off the chair.

"What's the matter, can't handle your liquor?" the brunette sassed, holding her cup up in the air.

(Y/N) hadn't said a word. She watched the blonde walk away and took it upon herself to replace her. She stood up on the chair, facing the brunette.

"Let's go, woman." (Y/N) challenged, gesturing one of the boys to hand her a drink.

She'd heard the chants in the background, urging the girls to chug their glass. (Y/N) competitively managed to chug two at once, without falling off the chair. The rounds continued, until (Y/N) was the first to fall off the chair.

She stumbled, almost faceplanting the floor. A pair of arms caught her in time. She looked up to see Chris by her side, helping her maintain her balance. 

"How much have you had to drink, seriously?" he frowned. "Let's go!"

(Y/N) groaned, following Chris' lead. He encouraged her to join his group as they'd spent their time, talking and laughing about many different things. 

"What the hell is he doing here?" (Y/N) drunkenly groaned, disgusted to see Demetri.

He shot a glare back her way, until he realised she was drunk. Backing off, Demetri attempted to ignore her until she'd called for his attention.

"These people don't even like you besides Chris and Nate." she sassed. "Besides, I gotta find Kyler."

"Oh yeah, that Kyler?" he pointed, chuckling.

She saw another girl from school cozying up to him as he openly flirted with her. Her eyes darted back to Demetri, who'd secretly laughed, knowing he had the upper hand in this situation. She didn't say a word and proceeded to snatch the drink Demetri was holding. The liquid trailed down (Y/N)'s throat, almost emptying out the cup.

"Slow down, idiot!" Demetri exclaimed, snatching the cup back from her. 

(Y/N) ignored Kyler for the rest of the night, as she initially planned to do anyway. The whole plan became a bust. It wasn't the other girl that annoyed her. It was the fact that Kyler's words and actions never matched. That was what she should've expected from someone like him.

After Demetri had helped her sit down to rest, he proceeded to sit opposite her. He rested his arms on his knees, quietly waiting for her to compose herself again. It took a while for (Y/N) to sober up. However, he was happy to wait.

"So, why did you say you'd insult my baking if you were Gordon Ramsay?" she blurted. "I saw the video."

"I was insulting Yasmine's baking skills. And I said they were nothing compared to yours..." he clarified, knowing exactly what she was talking about.

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow, not buying into anything he was saying. She crossed her arms, expecting evidence on his end. 

(Y/N) laid across the floor with her arm dangling in the air. She was carefree in this particular moment for some reason. Everything felt peaceful - just laying across the floor like a starfish. Even if it meant being in the company of her rival.

"Hey, what do you say we worked together again on that cooking contest that's coming up soon? I'll even let you organise the catering for prom." he offered.

(Y/N)'s body jerked itself up, off the floor. She nodded in agreement, given that Demetri had connections to the school's prom committee, in which some of his other friends were involved in. After offering to extend her need for recognition over to the committee, it would give her a chance to really pursue what she loved. And get other people in on it too.

Having accepted his offer, she embraced him, thanking him as much as she could. Her arms were tightly wrapped around his waist, leaning in to tighten the hug. 

"Thankyou so much!" she cheered.

The next moment was taken over by silence. (Y/N) felt herself subconsciously leaning in. Demetri found he was reciprocating, about to lock himself with her lips - until the door was pushed open.


A shocked Demetri pushed (Y/N) off of him, sending her to the floor. 

"Ew get off me you freak!" he exclaimed.

As his head turned towards the door, he noticed a tall blonde standing in the way with her arms crossed. She glared at (Y/N), then back at Demetri, reaching for his hand. It was none other than Yasmine. Without a second thought, he gripped onto her hand, letting her take the lead.

(Y/N) was left on the floor, observing Demetri as he walked out. She was distraught, but had no one else to blame except for herself. At this point, she was on her own. As a result of this night, she'd concluded that Kyler was useless and not worth having around.

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