Chapter 15

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A/N: My apologies, my chapters are getting shorter. I'm having a major writers block and I'd really love some suggestions/ideas right now on bringing back the rivalry here. If you're not bothered reading - here's a summary:

Demetri made a big mistake, broke the reader's heart once again. His series of mistakes were too much for the reader to handle. He's seeking forgiveness but in the wrong way. 

I usually wouldn't ask anyone of this but I could really use some help right now. Throw in any ideas you might have in mind. I'll see what works.

As always, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Happy reading!

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The next morning, (Y/N) awoke to a row of messages, consisting of nothing but apologies. She inattentively skimmed through the words, throwing her phone away. Her dad stood by, holding a bouquet of mixed flowers. Daises, lilacs, roses and sunflowers. He read the note aloud as (Y/N) groaned in annoyance.

"I'm sorry. Can we talk? -D" Jonah read out loud, impressed. "He's a persistent one."

(Y/N) pulled the sheets back over her head, indirectly showing she had no interest in replaying what had happened that night. Her dreams of meeting her idol were crushed. Someone who she'd slowly built trust for, over time was crushed in one night. 

"(Y/N), at least talk to him. There might be a good explanation!" Jonah encouraged as he made his way to sit by her side. 

She sighed, leaving the bouquet by her side. Today was another day she had to face. Prom committee. Although her chances at the competition was crushed, she attempted to think more on the positive side. There would be many more opportunities.

As she yanked the blankets off herself, she'd prepared herself for another tedious day of school.

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Throughout her break, (Y/N) collected permission slips and notes which the teachers had spent their morning printing and handing out to students. Prom was coming up. Scanning everyone's dietary requirements, it was up to her and a few other committee members to decide on what she wanted to contribute to the catering committee she was put into.

For this, she had to thank Demetri. Part of her felt guilty but chose not to act on it. It was difficult for her to forgive Demetri. 

While she was busy, she'd noticed Chris rocking up to see her progress. Happy for her, he leaned on the very table she was working in.

"How's prom committee going?" he inquired, looking through the slips of paper while handing them back to (Y/N).

"Allergic to chocolate." (Y/N) mumbled. "Which idiot wrote this?"

Taken aback, Chris snatched the very note off of her back, recognising the handwriting. He rolled his eyes, knowing exactly who had written it.

"DEMETRI!" he exclaimed, gesturing him to come over. "How are you allergic to chocolate, bro?"

(Y/N) noticed him walking over as she hurriedly stood up in her spot, attempting to make an excuse to leave. 

"Excuse me, I have to use the bathroom." she blurted, headed straight for the bathroom.

On her way, she'd felt her arm being tugged. Softly, yet firmly. As she turned to face the person initiating physical contact, she'd realised exactly who it was. He faced her, apologetically looking her in the eye. 

"(Y/N), can we please talk?" he spoke, softly.

She forced his arm off of her, unwilling to talk to him. Not after what he did. As she made her way out, Demetri proceeded to speak to the prom committee. What was he up to this time?

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Upon (Y/N)'s return, Demetri crossed his arms, looking her in the eye. This time, with a different expression. Confused, she returned to her seat, until a hand stopped her. Another member of the prom committee member proceeded to stand next to him.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N) but you're off the prom committee." he revealed, gesturing her to head for the door.

Distraught, she acknowledged their decision and realised Demetri was behind this. That last drop of forgiveness she'd had left for him vanished with those very words said to her. She leaned a little bit closer to Demetri's face in order to threaten him.

"This means war." she threatened, with no emotion in her voice. 

"So be it. I'm not stopping until you give me a chance to talk to you." he threatened back.

As (Y/N) abruptly left the room, Chris whacked Demetri in the arm, shocked that he had done such a thing.

"Dude, what the hell is wrong with you? Are you an idiot?" he alleged.

"You'll see." Demetri calmly elaborated.

 Chris stormed off as well, running after a distraught (Y/N) as Demetri turned back to the prom committee members, helping them out with the planning and preparation. 

"(Y/N), wait!" Chris echoed, panting as he ran till he was out of breath.

She stopped by her locker, almost close to another breakdown. Demetri had hurt her enough and proceeded to hurt her more. Her faith in him vanished. But it was important that she didn't let him see that. Heartbroken, she was seen sliding against her locker with Chris kneeling next to her, providing a source of comfort.

On the other hand, Demetri was one confusing boy. One minute he expressed how talented (Y/N) was and revealed his feelings for her. Things went well for that moment. And now, here they are, back to square one. (Y/N) felt more bitter than ever.

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There was still time for prom. At least she knew she could take a break from school and her extra-curriculars, knowing she was planning not to go. 

That afternoon, she sat on her couch, eating ice cream off of a tub with her leg dangling over the couch. With the TV playing in the background, she scrolled through her phone, only to see provocative posts from Demetri at the prom committee.

She scoffed, wondering why she was following him, after their fall out from the night before. She detested him. Loathed him. And most definitely had every reason not to forgive him. Likewise, he certainly had quite a way of getting her attention.

And then, she made the final move.

She blocked him. 

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