Chapter 5

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Demetri returned to school the next day with more bruises across his face. Lately he'd been acting weird, given he'd always have something snarky to say to (Y/N). As she observed his behaviour, she'd noticed Yasmine was almost always with him at school - where ever he went. However, the two weren't together, outside of school. How weird.

After classes, Demetri had a tendency to storm out, turning up to any extra curricular activities which were open to all students. 

As (Y/N) headed over to the kitchen by the food technology rooms, no one had shown up. It was rather quiet today. She pulled out her cookbook she'd bought on the store. The same day Demetri was beaten up.

As she collected necessary utensils and ingredients together, she cracked her knuckles, getting straight into it. That is, until she heard a knock on the door. She turned to see her rival, standing by.

"Demetri?" she asked, curiously. "Shouldn't you be hanging by the cafeteria with your girlfriend?"

"Y-yeah you're right, sorry I came here." he blurted, as quick as he could in order to leave.

Soon as he turned his back to (Y/N), she found herself rushing towards him through a fast paced walk. Tugging him by the shirt, she urged that he stay.

"It's ok. You can stay." she offered, reassuringly.

Demetri's expressions changed, telling her something had definitely traumatised him. He proceeded to take a seat, seemingly lost in his thoughts. This was not normal.

"Demetri" (Y/N) muttered. "You haven't said a word. What's up?" 

"How do you know something's up?" he snapped. "You don't know anything!"

As (Y/N) was in the process of making her batch of cupcakes for a teacher's conference meeting due to take place, she paused in between, taking the time to have a proper conversation with him. She was yet to admit this to herself... But deep down, seeing Demetri like this hurt her the most.

"You're right. I don't." she calmly agreed. "But I know when something's bothering you. So, spill."

Demetri sighed, burying his face in his hands after placing himself on a stray chair in the room. He cleared his throat, implying how pointless it was to open up to another rival of his.

"You know that guy with the red mohawk?" he described, with a soft spoken tone. "We used to be best friends. But we're enemies now. And now I have to deal with him... and you--" 

"Woah Demetri..." (Y/N) chuckled. "Look, I just want to know why we're really fighting like this."

He sighed, rotating towards her direction as she went back to her station to continue with her baking during this period.

"I guess I just thought you seemed cool... You seem so carefree, unbothered. You're here doing what you love and I want to be able to do that too." he admitted, upon seeing (Y/N) freeze soon as he got his first sentence out.

Her jaw dropped. After all this time, he'd admitted he had a sense of admiration towards her. 

"I really just wanted to make some new friends and become good at something. Karate's clearly not working for me since my own best friend beat me up." he added.

(Y/N) was surprised by what was coming out of his mouth. She had no idea what was happening, nor why it was happening. He seemed to have everything he could ever want. She calmly finished up with her batch in the process of him talking. 

"Well, I can see why you want to do extra-curriculars. But I think you're doing it for the wrong reasons." she assumed.

As she placed her batch in the oven, she proceeded to wash her hands by the sink, drying them off afterwards. (Y/N) sat opposite Demetri, seeing what else she could get out of him while he was vulnerable. At least that way, she could understand why he acts the way he does.

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