Chapter 16

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A/N: Two cuties over here! I think I'm back on track with the story now. Happy reading, guys! :)

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(Y/N) was seen kicking her locker repeatedly, angry at everything that had been going on. After being screwed over by her rival and supposedly having her feelings toyed, she'd had enough. Over in the distance, she noticed a familiar presence, walking like she'd owned the place. Her blonde locks dangling in front of her face with the rest of her hair tied back.

The girl approached an angry (Y/N), calmly helping her out with her locker trouble. As it turned out, these lockers were old and needed to be replaced by the school.

"The best way to crack open these lockers is to shake the lock a bit... rather than kicking it." she explained while showing (Y/N) how it's done.

(Y/N) stuffed her books inside, sighing with relief. At least there was once nice person out of every ten entitled individuals.

"I'm Tory by the way... with a Y." she introduced, holding out a hand.

"I feel like I've seen you before." (Y/N) stated, reluctantly before shaking her hand. 

Tory smirked, while firmly shaking her hand. She knew exactly who (Y/N) was and pretty much everything about her.

"Cool, I'm (Y/N)--" 

"I know who you are." she interrupted. "I heard everything about you from Kyler. So let's cut to the chase."

That's when it struck (Y/N). Kyler. The rivalry. Demetri. She recognised Tory from the arcade, hovering over Demetri. She was one of the Cobra Kai members that pressured Hawk into breaking her rival's arm.

"Sounds like you're not on talking terms with that Miyagi Do freak." she insisted, implying (Y/N)'s rival with Demetri, specifically.

"I don't know what you're talking about." (Y/N) emphasised, trying to get clarity.

Tory had been out of school for a while, pretty much expelled for the school fight. However, after her time over at the detention centre, she was free, conditionally. This meant having her parole officer monitoring her behaviour. But Tory was someone who didn't care. She wanted her revenge.

"Well, last I heard you took his place in every club round here. And kicked you off some other clubs. Don't you wanna get back at him?-" she continued.

"How did you know?" (Y/N) gasped, shocked at how fast she'd been discovered.

"I overheard you guys arguing. None of my business but it looks like you really don't like him. Anyway, if you wanna get back at him, meet me at this address."

(Y/N) scrunched up the paper, shoving it in her locker. She had better things to do than to get revenge on her rival. 

As the day progressed, Demetri's presence was more known to her. He showed up to class as usual. It was bad enough that she had to sit next to him. He then proceeded to follow Chris, throwing in snarky remarks during their conversations.

Enough was enough. (Y/N) stormed off to her locker, after that hostile encounter. She shook the lock, just like Tory instructed her to earlier. She frantically sifted through her books in her locker, searching for that piece of paper she scrunched up. 

(Y/N) flattened that paper with her thumb, enough for her to read the address Tory had written on it. When she noted that address down in her phone, she anticipated to the end of the day, ready to get her revenge on Demetri.

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"About time you arrived." Tory sighed, checking her watch yet again.

(Y/N) set her bag aside, in her old set of workout clothes. Pink sweats, black tank top, covered with a see-through and short sleeved hoodie. Her hair was braided into a few cornrows on the side, followed by a ponytail to keep it secure and out of her face. Tory stroked through the braid, admiring the way her hair was done.

"Cool hair by the way. Sensei Kreese is going to be pleased to meet you." she affirmed, leading her inside.

She peered through the interior, all neatly set up. The logo itself was intimidating. (Y/N) did not second guess what Sensei Kreese would be like. In the distance, she noticed an old, yet fit man walking out of the office with a towel wrapped around his neck.

"You finally made it. We've been trying to reach you for a while..." he chuckled. 

Confused, (Y/N) turned over to Tory as she was unsure as to how the Cobra Kai gang knew her, yet she didn't know any of them besides Doug, Kyler and Tory.

"Is there something I can help you with?" (Y/N) asked, curiously.

Kreese took a step further, smiling and nodding at Tory who reciprocated. He turn turned to (Y/N), leaning in close enough for her to hear his deep, intimidating voice.

"Yes and in return, we can also help you. If you would like to get yourself recruited here." he stated.

"I'm sorry but I don't know the first thing about fighting." (Y/N) replied, picking up her bag as she was just about to leave.

"Now hold on..." Kreese interrupted, calmly. "That's why you're here to learn. Kyler told me everything about you... and your rivalry with that boy from Miyagi Do. You don't seem to like him very much."

(Y/N) was close to a mental breakdown. But standing in front of a man like Kreese, she gulped her emotions down. He had a good point.

"How did you---" she gasped, in shock.

"Oh you thought I'd recruit you just like that? Silly girl..." he chuckled. "My students speak highly of you. After all, we're all united and since you're respected here..."

However, she herself wasn't one to conform to drama. Decisions... decisions... She spent a moment analysing what could go wrong, yet thinking about what she could gain out of this. 

Getting back at Demetri sounded good to her. On the other hand, however, she'd be betraying the rest of her friends. Especially Chris and Nate.

"We've been waiting for you to join us for a while. It would be an honour of mine to turn you into Cobra Kai material. And likewise, it would help you get back at your rival." Kreese added.

Tory turned to (Y/N) as her eyes widened with curiosity. She silently encouraged her to take the offer. 

"Think of this as a golden pass, dear. I'm letting you in directly because Nichols over here referred me to you. Otherwise, you would have to fight to earn your position." he concluded.

(Y/N) froze and glanced once again at Tory. Was Kreese serious? Once again, she thought about her sweet revenge on Demetri. However, (Y/N) wasn't willing to harm him. Just beat him at his own game.

As far as she was concerned, she wanted to get back at him. Enough to make him feel the same way as she did from being broken hearted. But not enough to make him end up in the hospital. 

She hesitantly watched Kreese pull out his hand for her to shake. And with that, (Y/N) extended her arm further, conjoining the hands together and sealing the deal. 

"Welcome to Cobra Kai, Miss (Y/N) (S/N)" Kreese congratulated.

(Y/N) was officially welcomed to Cobra Kai. Miyagi Do's rival. And once again, Demetri's rival.

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