Chapter 20

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A/N: Do you miss Demetri? How can you say no to this cutie? ^

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As (Y/N) returned home, she saw Jonah with his arms crossed. Unimpressed. Confused, she set her shopping bags aside as her dad's eyes didn't leave their gaze. He eyed her movement across the room as she set herself down on the couch.

"Did you really go shopping?" he coldly hissed.

(Y/N) didn't answer but gestured to her bag on the side. 

"Did you go and harass Demetri again?" he snapped, cutting straight to the point.

(Y/N) instantaneously turned to Jonah, realising this intervention was about her encounter today with Demetri. However, for Jonah this wasn't just about today.

"Why?" he clarified, conveying he wasn't in the mood for jokes. 

"Because he's a fucking douchebag-" (Y/N) spat, until she was interrupted.

"Language, young lady!" Jonah intervened, raising his index finger in the air. 

He proceeded to place himself on the sofa, opposite his daughter so he could face her. His hands were intertwined with one another. Jonah repeatedly convinced himself not to yell since that would be futile. For him, being civil was the way to get answers.

"(Y/N)." he sighed, trying to get her to listen to him. "I don't know what happened between you both. But Demetri came to me. He said he was concerned about you." 

"I don't fucking care." she exclaimed, turning on the television to avoid this conversation.

Jonah confiscated the remote, shoving it under his thigh and out of (Y/N)'s reach. She tirelessly fought for the remote until he instructed her to sit back down. It wasn't certain whether she was in trouble. However, it was certain that she was being interrogated.

"(Y/N). His arm was broken on purpose. By his own best friend." Jonah completed, using his parental instinct. "I don't know how you'll sleep at night, knowing you're the reason he's in pain... or will be in pain... again."

Those words stung her. She was flabbergasted as to how Jonah knew about their rivalry. Her expressions were neutral again as she wondered how on earth her dad knew everything.

"Dad, how do you know?" she gasped, completely shocked.

"You'd be surprised how many of my patients open up to me." he shrugged. 

Curious, (Y/N) wanted to know more. Her judgement was so clouded by what was happening on the surface, she hadn't realised there was a side to every story.

"Demetri just wanted you to hear him out. So he came to me..." Jonah repeated, ready to tell her the full story. "He didn't want me to tell you this but the reason he couldn't come was because he got jumped. By the same members who you're now friends with."


The room was completely silent.

(Y/N) was shocked upon hearing this. Why did he never tell her? Sure, she didn't give him a chance to speak. But according to her, Demetri could have spoken to her without having her kicked off of the prom committee. Whereby, this was the last straw for her.

However, as much as she wanted to believe him, part of her was convinced - by Kreese especially, that he was the enemy. And that he was making all this up to cause her to second guess her choices. (Y/N) wasn't the type of person to question her choices, for she knew she was only doing what's best for her.

"What else did he tell you?" she hissed, demanding answers, despite believing he lied to Jonah.

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