Chapter 9

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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated guys! Life's been kicking my ass and I've been crazy busy. Everything's been so chaotic, I haven't been in the mood to write. So, here's another chapter for you guys. Happy reading!

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After their little encounter, Jonah had made an entrance, knowing his daughter was gone with the wind. 

"She's a bit of a firecracker sometimes - when she's not in control of a situation." he explained, apologising for her behaviour. "I heard everything-- well up to the part where she yelled at you for picking up that juice box. Then I had to tend to another patient."

Demetri was absolutely flabbergasted. He never took (Y/N)'s dad as someone kind and compassionate. To him, it was the opposite of (Y/N). Demetri cleared his throat, adjusting himself on the chair he was assigned in the room.

"So, is your mum coming to pick you up or--?" Jonah asked, pre-occupied with his paperwork, regarding another patient. 

He tucked a pen behind his ear, sliding it aside after scribbling a few checks and marks, like he was marking off a to-do list.

"I think I want to stay here." he obliged. "I'd rather be anywhere but home."

"Can I ask why?" Jonah debated, tilting his head in slight confusion.

"My mother's... overprotective. I once had a few scars on my face and she made a big deal out of it." he explained, feeling defeated.

Jonah's expressions changed, almost like he could relate to Demetri. He crossed his arms, taking a step further, followed by him kneeling to his level. 

"I don't think my (Y/N)'s going to like this. But how about you stay with us for a bit. At least until you're halfway through the healing process."

Demetri politely declined, knowing it was going to cause a bigger rift between the two. He thanked Jonah, knowing how considerate he'd been to his situation. Jonah took the hint and proceeded to leave, after reassuringly placing a hand on Demetri's shoulder. 

"Get well soon. I will send you my best regards." he added.

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"What do you mean I have to go to his house and send him this crap?!" (Y/N) argued, refusing to comply.

Jonah stood there, holding out the cash. He persisted, holding out the bill and wouldn't budge. (Y/N) attempted to leave. But every attempt was just about unsuccessful. 

"Young lady, that boy's been severely injured. None of his friends are here so the least you could do is be a little bit kinder!" Jonah defended, firmly. "Now you take this cash, buy him something nice - and I mean something nice... We all know what you got your other friend last time."

Jonah glared at (Y/N) as she smirked back, knowing exactly what he was hinting. The last time she was sent to a gift, she'd pranked the boy so hard, it almost traumatised him. (Y/N) reluctantly took the bill, headed to the nearest shop she could find.

(Y/N) gritted her teeth, mumbling and imitating her dad's words. She proceeded to mimic Demetri, annoyed. As she slammed the door open, she stormed over to the register who'd looked at her with great shock.

"I've got cash to burn. Find me something nice. And keep the change!" she blurted, impatiently tapping her foot on the floor.

She rolled her eyes as the cashier pulled out a bouquet of roses, alongside a teddy bear. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow, confused as to why on earth she'd give this to someone she'd hated and couldn't stand.

"Seriously? He's not my boyfriend. I'm giving presents to someone who's injured." she explained, impatiently. "Forget it, I'll find something"

(Y/N) frantically searched around the shop, annoyed at just about everything that was there. She jerked her head to the side, seeing the last box of chocolates on the shelf. There was a bright red sticker, however. She didn't care. 

(Y/N) waved the box of chocolates at the cashier, followed by a stuffed animal. The nearest one she could find, happened to be an elephant. 


As the cashier proceeded to stop her, (Y/N) was already gone with the wind.

"Expired..." she sighed. "Damn it I might lose my job..."

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As she clenched the gifts in her hand, she frantically searched for the room Demetri was in. Her hands were rather full as she stopped along the way to read about Gordon Ramsay through a flyer taped to a pole. 

"Hey! My dad sent me to get you these so just accept them, ok?" she spat, irritated by the lecture he'd just given her earlier.

Demetri's eyes glistened, as they peered over at the box of chocolates she was holding. (Y/N) slammed them into his hands and placed the stuffed toy next to him.

"Jeez woman, why are you mad? Seriously, what did I do?" he asked, almost raising his voice. 

(Y/N) took a moment to compose herself. She inhaled as deeply as she could, as many times as she could, until she was able to ground herself. 

"Demetri... you broke my heart. Twice." she admitted, defeated. "First you insult my brownies and cooking, then you called me a freak just to look cool in front of your friends. Then you kissed me and to be honest, it's like that's your way of getting me to forgive you."

Taken aback, Demetri looked back on his mistakes, knowing he had in fact hurt (Y/N). He felt great shame in what he'd done. 

"I'll stick around because my dads say so. But I don't forgive you. And I'm not sorry." she concluded.

Demetri cleared his throat, remembering everything she'd done to extract revenge on him.  He proceeded to explain.

"(Y/N), you kicked me in the balls, threw a pizza slice at me and made out with Kyler right in front of my face. That was rude of you so in this case, you're no different than me." he retaliated.

Enough was enough. At first (Y/N) felt truly apologetic towards everything she'd put Demetri through. Seeing him at his most vulnerable state left her feeling helpless. She'd accepted the fact that he'd kissed her earlier - but only under the circumstance that they were both vulnerable at the time. 

Demetri, for being unable to defend himself and (Y/N) for witnessing this traumatic incident. If anything, it did bring them a little closer. 

Even though things started off on the wrong note. 


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