Chapter 10

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A/N: I'm usually not into being dramatic lol. But then since I'm writing, I thought I'd give it a go. Sorry if it's over the top. Demetri is so cute wtf :')

 As always, Happy Reading! :)

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That night, (Y/N) spent her time aggressively baking and cooking to take her mind off of everything. Lately she'd been so moody, after getting the news that she was kicked off the competition. She slammed the ingredients onto the table, causing them to spill. 

As she peered over the mess she made, she sighed in defeat, kneeling to the floor. Her throat swelled up, forming a lump. She couldn't hold back anymore. This competition meant everything to her. Tears raced down her cheeks, like the Fast and Furious. 

Knock Knock!

(Y/N) gasped, hurriedly flicking the tears away. She cleared her throat, speeding over to the door. Upon opening it, she saw her friends standing by.

"Hey!" Chris chirped. "We're all going to watch a movie together, if you want to join us."

She nodded, fiddling with the loose grey shirt she had on. Clearing her throat, (Y/N) proceeded to get ready, until she noticed someone familiar walking up next to Chris.


"Hey I think we should wrap it up. Movie starts in--" Demetri informed, cut off as he glanced back at (Y/N).

He then leaned towards Chris' ear, his tone of voice transforming itself into a whisper. Soft enough for Chris to comprehend, but inaudible for (Y/N).

"Why are you inviting her?" 

A death glare was shot Demetri's way. A complete disregard for his wellbeing, she stomped over his way, shoving him as best as she could, despite his broken arm. She took a step further, shoving him again. 

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" she accused, yelling. 

The tears blocked her vision but she did her best to fight them. Her cold gazed was fixed upon the injured boy, locked with his like a magnet.

"Because of YOU!" she screamed, shoving him again. "I get kicked out of the competition. You have no idea what this means to me and YOU RUINED IT!"

"(Y/N) stop it he broke his arm!" Chris intervened, holding her shoulders as she attempted to struggle through his grip. 

He was a fairly big guy and on top of that, took up karate. (Y/N) could associate with neither of the traits, putting her in an even more vulnerable position. Demetri gestured for Chris to let go, allowing (Y/N) to charge like a bull. 

"Let her take it out." he softly spoke, looking her in the eye.

"This. Is. All. Your. Fault." she repeated slamming his chest with her hand after each word. 

He finally stared at her like she was the brightest star out of the lot. But he'd never looked at her any other way, except in frustration. He'd never look at her until her back was turned. And in the beauty of her absence, he realised what he was truly missing out on. Seeing her like this had changed him.

He calmly took her in with his free arm, preventing her from struggling through his grip. When she stopped, he proceeded to gently hold a handful of her hair, massaging the back of her head. A powerless (Y/N) continued to sob, not having anything left to fight with, for the sake of her defence.

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As Demetri had finally returned to school with his cast, students had gathered around him, asking him a series of questions. Except for the Cobra Kai gang who had laughed at him. He scanned the hallway, searching for (Y/N).

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