Chapter 11

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A/N: I hope you guys are on the edge of your seats because I'm 100% rooting for Demetri!

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The Cobra Kai guys were notorious for their over-the-top confidence. Doug had managed to ask (Y/N) out to a date. It was inevitable that he'd eventually ask her to prom. But she held no expectations as of yet.

Sitting in the diner, (Y/N) patiently waited for him. She examined the room, watching groups and couples eating, conversing with one another. It had been a while since she'd gone on a proper date with a guy who wasn't like Kyler or Demetri.

"Are you ready to order ma'am?" the waitress asked, with a concerned look on her face. "

"Yeah, my date's just coming. He's running a bit late." (Y/N) reassured.

The waitress checked her watch and turned away, tending to other tables with their food and orders. 

An hour later, the waitress popped by (Y/N)'s direction again, asking her if she was ready to order. Yet again, she insisted she needed more time with the same response. Doug was running late. 

As people around the room looked over to her direction, she could feel the knot in her stomach forming. They shot looks of sympathy, as if they knew her and the exact situation she was in. A sufficient amount of time had passed.

At this point, (Y/N) was ready to give in to defeat. She picked up her phone and wallet, getting ready to leave until the door was slammed open. Upon hearing the bells ring, she peered over by the door to see a boy with a cast on his arm.

"Sorry, I'm late..." Demetri panted, gesturing (Y/N) to take a seat.

She frowned, skeptically picking up a menu while handing him the spare sitting by. As Demetri was too busy looking at the menu, (Y/N) cleared her throat, demanding an answer.

"Just go with it, yeah?" he whispered, leaning closer to her. "He's a dick. But that's what you can expect from a Cobra Kai."

(Y/N) eventually ordered her food as part of her sighed in relief, knowing she wasn't going to be looked at like a damsel in distress. Even though the last thing she wanted was to be around Demetri, she realised someone like Doug wasn't worth being around.

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"So I heard from Chris you were back on the cooking competition." Demetri congratulated with a mouthful of his food.

He covered his mouth, yet managed to get his message across. (Y/N)'s lips curved into a genuine smile. She had never felt better. The silence had taken over again as Demetri aimed for his food. As it was hard for him to hold the cup while his other hand was greasy, (Y/N) leaned forward, holding the straw towards his lips. 

"Don't worry about it." she reassured, holding it for him.

"You know, you can just put it down." he paused, before taking a sip.

"You'll choke on the straw."

Demetri snickered, knowing at one point she would've paid to see that happen. He looked back at her, gesturing her to put the drink down after he'd consumed a few sips of his drink.

"You know, at one point you would've wished that upon me." he indicated, pointing to the straw. "What happened now?" 

Her eyes drifted away from him, unable to answer his question. It's not that she was ignoring him. It's the fact that it was coming to terms with how she really felt about Demetri. At the moment? She felt confused.

"I don't know. I just--" she stammered, trying to find the right words. "Your arm. And the pain. And the injury." 

"What are you trying to say?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow in great confusion.

"I'm sorry that you broke your arm--" she finally explained until she checked the time. 

She gestured Demetri to stand up, leaving the cash on the table for the waitress to pick up. Her arm clutched his free arm, helping him to his feet. 

"Thanks." he acknowledged.

As (Y/N) lead him out, Demetri couldn't stop himself from looking at her. He'd spent a long time reflecting, observing and coming to terms with his feelings. From the moment he'd kissed her to the first time he'd seen her break down. Demetri was smitten.

"No. Thanks for showing up when my date totally stood me up..." (Y/N) blurted, trying to forget that incident as best as she could.

"It's ok. It's no rainbow sandwich being around you. But it sucks to be ghosted. You should be with someone who shows up for you and looks out for you." Demetri indicated.

She took a moment to soak in his words, realising the guys she'd go with weren't of any substance. Demetri had finally said something meaningful to her. She appreciated it. A lot. When he gestured he had somewhere to be, (Y/N) left the place, in a happy and different mood.

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"Yeah and then he just magically shows up out of no where!" (Y/N) exclaimed over the phone, which was on speaker by the counter.

She was cooking at the time, whilst talking to Chris over the phone. Since he was closer friends with Demetri, it was presumable that he'd know what was going on. (Y/N) cracked open a bag of cheese, sprinkling it over her creation, ready to set in the oven.

"Maybe he likes you." Chris concluded over the line.

"No, Chris, we hate each other, remember?" (Y/N) defended, as a frown formed across her face where her eyebrows were almost conjoined.

"Listen, I gotta go. But good luck with everything." Chris finished, hanging up.

(Y/N) was dumbstruck, thinking about the words he'd said after their unplanned meet-up. She'd replayed those words again and again, wondering why on earth Demetri was acting weird. Repeatedly convincing herself she hated him, (Y/N) couldn't bring herself to hate him any more than she used to. She'd felt different about him. Especially since he'd shown up for her that day.

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Demetri and (Y/N) spent the afternoon arguing at the hospital when he'd gone to check in with her dads, regarding his arm. As the two were left alone in the room to their bickering, (Y/N) proceeded to raise her hand to slap him. Demetri caught her wrist with his free arm, leaning closer to her ear - almost matching her height.

"Try that again, I fucking dare you" he whispered in the lowest, huskiest voice.

Unable to take it, (Y/N) pulled him by the neck, down to her height. She pressed against his chest, locking her lips with his. He pushed her to the wall, sliding his hand towards her hip, only using his free hand.

Reciprocating, (Y/N) tugged his shirt, pulling him closer and pressing her face closer to his. She slid her hands inside his shirt, until he pulled apart to study her face.

"Admit it. You like me." he whispered.

Those words repeated in (Y/N)'s mind, until they suddenly started to fade to a point where she wasn't able to remember the sentence fully. 

She jerked herself up from her bed, screaming like she'd seen a ghost. Her hair was a mess, sweat was visible all over her body. Her bed was almost soaked in it. 

Everything around her was quiet. In the background, her bedroom door was forcibly pushed open as her dad held a baseball bat next to him, thinking she'd freaked out over a spider or a cockroach.

"What happened, (Y/N)?!" he announced.

"Bad dream..." she panted, burying her face in her hands.

Indeed, it was a bad dream...

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