6. Choice of life and pain

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Small clarification:
Arav-Riya: 4 years back.
Sanskar-Swara: 2 years back


Sanskar went out of the room and sat on the chair with thud. The scene started replaying in front of his eyes again and again. Her smile when she heard him and then her scared look as soon as she saw him. He was gripping his fist tightly and squeezed his eyes shut.
He could hear her crying which was making him restless with pain.

"Don't hurt me. Please."
"It's paining."
"He will hurt me."

These words were repeating in his mind and all he could see was her devasted condition even with closed eyes.

After sometime,
He was still sitting there and now he could hear her cry subsided. It makes him feel little better that she stopped crying and she is calm now.
A few minutes later, Riya came out only to find Sanskar sitting outside room.
Sanskar looked at Riya.

"Riya, how is she?" He immediately asked as soon as he saw Riya.

Riya looked at Swara through glass window. She was lying on the bed and looking at the bracelet with blank expression, lost in her own world. She shut the door slowly and hold Sanskar's hand and dragged him away from there.

Going a bit far away from Swara's room. She pushed him and angrily looked at him.

"What do you want now? Why are doing this? Aren't you happy to see her Suffering already? Or is there anything still left to do?" Riya asked sternly.

"Is she okay now?" Sanskar asked calmly avoiding her anger.

Riya looked at him like 'is this person for real or having any kind of split personality disorders'.

"Huh!!! Why are you asking this? Does it matter to you? No!! It doesn't. It doesn't matter to you if she die or live. And just for your little bit of disappointment, she is okay for now. But if you have plan to make her situation worse, then I will make sure to kill you right away!!" Riya said seething in anger.

"I am not going to do anything wrong with her Riya." Sanskar said.

"Glad to know but I don't believe this. You have already done worst with her. It's better if you stay away from her." Riya said controlling herself not to shout.

Riya took a deep breathe and say.

" Sanskar listen, please, please stay away from her." Riya said.

"Riya, let me...." Sanskar tried to say but Riya interupted him this time.

"What do you want now Sanskar? Want to kill her? She was the reason of your sister's pain and you took revenge from her. It's done. So now, please go away. Please, I request you, you have done whatever you wanted to for your revenge but now she can't tolerate it. She won't be able to handle anything else.
If not for her then please, for the sake of little bit humanity. Let her alive because I have only her who was with me.
Please let her be in peace and I m sorry. I am asking forgiveness on her behalf even though I know she will never do anything wrong but she won't be able to take more.
Just see her condition Sanskar, She can neither live nor die. You have given a life which is worse than death. Because, if she would have died then this heart might had little peace that she is no more in this world. Atleast, she wouldn't have been suffer like this. Still... Leave all this. You don't need to waste your time on me and my sister. Congratulations!!! You won. You succeeded in breaking her beyond anything that I see world falling apart and may be I will never able to see my Swara again who is lost.
You wanted to make her feel the pain what it feels to loose someome close to you heart, whom you love so much but you left her with nothing. So, Congratulations Sanskar Maheshwari!! You won your game of revenge. That girl... (pointing toward Swara's room direction) who is lying inside that room has no meaning of her own life. She forgot everything but your name and that dreadful incident which took everything away and never let her be peace. She lost herself in your love. She tries to find you and herself everyday but she never got successful in doing that. All she could remember is your name. I just wish that she forget your name too. I am her sister and she is so precious to me still I wish that...
May god give her death rather than this suffering and she find peace without any pain because now if she will be alright then, I won't be able to handle her when she will face the reality that like me, She was also cursed to love. She was betrayed." Riya said with broken smile but teary eyes.

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