30. The new phase of happiness

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This part is dedicated to Asharya & angel040609. More than half of the target of comments were fulfilled by you both.
Looking at the response by today's morning, I had almost dropped the idea to post today but then I thought if atleast one is interested and eager to read further then why not.
Thank you so much for your comments guys.
Also to everyone who commented and voted.


Days passed, things were getting better and more better in everyone's life. They were happy. Their love was growing.
Swara's bond with Sneha was like never before. Sneha find her best friend in her. More than best friend, Swara was best human being. She thought how wrong she was to judge her and not believe her. But Swara was there to tell her to forget everything and start a fresh.
Sneha was back on her teasing avatar and leave no chance to tease her dear bhai and bhabhi. Even Riya and Ahaan weren't left out from teasing session. Arav and Sanskar got back their angel sister.
In all this Sneha was getting much better. Her recent report came quite good which made everyone happy. And she didn't got any anxiety attack after that night. A couple of times, she felt uneasy and before it turn into attack or even worse, she either talked with Sanskar or Ahaan. Like she promised them, she never let her mind go back to past thoughts and disturb herself.
Ahaan was more than happiest that he was getting married to love of his life and also Sneha's health was improving. The wedding preparations started already as they didn't want anything less in their only daughter's marriage.

Like this three weeks passed in a blink. It was normal day in Maheshwari Mansion.

Swara and Sneha were in kitchen. They were trying a new spanish dish.

"And it's done." Sneha said happily.

"Yeah finally. Let's taste it. If it is good enough to eat or we are going to be laughing board for everyone." Swara chuckled.

"Right." Sneha said with Chuckle.

They took a bit and tasted it.

"Umm.. it's quite delicious Swara." Sneha said tasting it. Swara also tasted it.

"Yeah you are right, we did it. No dishes is impossible to make for chef Sneha and Chef Swara." Swara said patting Sneha and herself and they laughed.

"Ok, now. I will just come after taking bath and then we will arrange dinner. I can't stay like this for another minute with this sticky feeling of sauce." Swara said pointing toward her saree having sauce stain and also on her skin.

Sneha nodded with Chuckle. Then she say.
"Anyway Swara, when bhai's flight will land? He is coming tonight only na?" Sneha asked.

Sanskar has gone for a business trip for a week and he was coming back tonight.

"Yeah, he said he will come tonight but didn't mentioned time. He was still not sure that the work will completed by today's evening. So, can't say anything. Your brother is typical businessman when it comes to work." Swara said shaking her head.

"Really? And how he is when it comes to you. I mean as a husband?" Sneha asked teasing pushing her lightly with shoulder.

Swara narrowed her eyes at her teasing to avoid her blush. Sneha started singing justin Bieber track (2U) to tease her.

"When it comes 2U
There's no crime
Let's take both of our souls
And intertwine
When it comes 2U
Don't be blind
Watch me speak from my heart
When it comes 2U
Comes 2U" Sneha sing loudly.

"Don't get me wrong. I m singing on behalf of Sanskar bhai." Sneha said with a mischievous smile.

"Having so much fun huh? Just let You get married then I will see what song will you sing on behalf of Ahaan? Well, lemme guess..." Swara said md act like thinking before singing Wild thoughts by Rihanna.

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