11. Betrayer or betrayed

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"I was in final year of my graduation. I had to go for a six month internship for final semester then my graduation would have completed. I was so excited for this. I could do it easily done that in my father Subhash Saxena's company but I didn't want that. I was sick off it basically my father's behaviour. He never showed trust in me and just always tried to force his decisions on me. He is no different from Swara's Dad. Both are just business minded person. I never felt my parent's love and I started to hate to be around them.
When I talked to them about my internship. They didn't care to listen much or let me explain. They just simply ordered me that I will do it in Saxena group of companies or in Swara's father firm as no one going to ask for me without my father's name. I don't have any identity.
I was just pissed off with that kind of behaviour. I wanted to something without his favour. I got so angry and I made my mind that I won't do my internship in Dad or Shekhar uncle's company. I applied to different companies. In starting I was nervous of not getting any response but then I got intership letter from Jaisingh Industries.
I was so happy but I didn't care to share with anyone. I just told Swara about it. It was one of leading company and rival of Dad's company. I got scared what if they won't hire me. Still, I went there and I was selected me for six month internship period but I hide that I m Subhash Saxena's daughter because may be they wouldn't have given this opportunity to me knowing that. Secondly, because I wanted to treated myself as normal person definitely not tagged with my father's name.
Don't know how but My dad came to know about it and was so angry that I joined in my rival's company but I care the least and I was happy. Atleast someone cared about my capabilities rather than name and I can prove that I can be known without my dad's name.
And then I met Arav. It was my second day. I was engrossed in my work and papers when I dashed with him. (Smiled thinking about the moment)
I literally announced him as thief and I was so badly embarassed but he was cool and calm and I liked him." Riya was saying lost in memories with smile.

Sanskar who heard this smiled at her.

"Days passed, I was doing my work and basically I was enjoying it. Everyone were so good except for few whom I utterly disliked and the Riya Saxena used to wake up few times that how dare anyone order me like that!! (Chuckled) But It was fun.
In all this, I developed a kind of new feeling for Arav. I didn't had to spend much time with him because I was just an intern and he was CEO. Still, he would incorporate me with major projects that I used to be part of it. Slowly, we used to spend time and we became good friends. It didn't took me time to mingle up with him. I used to like when I was with him and slowly we fell for each other and it was him who confessed first because I was too scared. But when he confessed, I was happiest at that moment and also confessed my feelings for him. I was surprised with myself, it was only two and half months and I was actually fallen for the guy. I told all that to Swara and she was also surprised but happy for me.
I had already thought that I will tell everyone about us after my internship get over and also to Arav about my identity. I didn't wanted dad to know about it and create any problem. So, I kept our relationship hidden from everyone. I wanted everything perfect and nothing should go wrong. A couple of months more passed, we were so happy with each other. I felt his love, his care, affection what I never felt even from my parents. I was eagerly waiting for another one and half month to over soon.
But happiness doesn't stayed longer. At one point dreams always left broken. And then a day came when everything shattered. All happiness fade away.

It was evening, I was still in office. I was tired a bit. Because a really important project was going in company and everyone was giving their best. Arav did lot of hardwork for that. Arav showed his confidence but inside he was nervous because he was handling such a big project for first time. At the same time, since few a month he was really disturbed because things were getting wrong in company and faced certain losses. Arav's Dad health started getting deteriorated as he was getting worried. Arav loved his dad very much. The company was his hardwork. I felt really bad about it.

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