🚁Galeforce x Charles🎧 (non romantic)

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(Requested by objectsfan)

Today was an amazing day for the triple threat, they just finished another mission and are now about to inform the general about their huge success.

Ellie: I can believe we did it, another mission well done

Henry: I think this was our best work yet

Ellie: so Charles, are you gonna tell him today?

Charles: tell who what?

Henry: you know, telling galeforce that you want us to be fa-

Charles: don't say that out loud, and yes I'll try today but I'm afraid he's gonna say no

Ellie: hey, it's gonna be ok Charles, besides he like us so I'm sure he would agree with this

Henry: *places hand on shoulder* you can do this bro

Charles: your right, I'm gonna tell him right now *hugs both Ellie and henry* thank you both so much, see ya in a bit *runs*

 Henry and Ellie: good luck Charles!!!

(At galeforce's tent)

Charles: can I come in sir? It's me charles

Galeforce: of course, come in Charlie

Charles: *enters* well I came by to tell you that the mission that me,Henry and Ellie went on was a big success.

Galeforce: that's good to hear

Charles: well not only that but I kinda wanna talk to you about something

Galeforce: sure what is it?

Charles: um, well you see *tears up* you know h-

Galeforce: Charlie, are you crying? What's wrong?

Charles: n-nothing I just *cries* I can't!

Galeforce: *goes to Charles and hugs him* it's ok, you can tell me anything

Charles: but you won't approve of it so I can't tell you 

Galeforce: you know what you need right now son?

Charles: *sniff* what?

Galeforce: laughter *tickles him*

Charles: *giggles* d-dad it tickles, hahahahaha 

Galeforce: you know it's not good to keep secrets from the the ones you love so tell me and I will stop *tickles faster*

Charles: *squeals*I can't tell you hahahahaha it's embarrassing hahahahaha 

Galeforce: *holds him in a hugging embrace* you can tell me anything, I promise I'll understand, are you afraid that I'll be not happy?

Charles: yeah, I am afraid, I'm sorry

Galeforce: that's ok, whatever this is I'm sure it will be ok to talk about, so what is it Charlie?

Charles: you know how I love Ellie and Henry and they feel like siblings to me?

Galeforce: yeah?

Charles: well I just see all 4 of us as one happy family so-

Galeforce: you want them in our family? Oh Charlie of course they can be family besides I think they deserve this after all the hard work they but in.

Charles: thanks dad *hugs him* thank you so much, wait here I'll be right back *runs*

(With Henry and Ellie)

Charles:*runs up to them* guys I did it, he said yes!!!

Ellie: you did it all right, we're so proud of you 

Henry: I knew you could do it bro *tickles his sides* 

Charles: *giggles* thanks guys, but I think I had enough tickles for one day

Ellie: let me guess, galeforce made you talk by tickling?

Charles: yeah

Galeforce: there you two are, I have a special promotion for you both and that is called officially family.

Henry: thanks sir *salutes*

Ellie: yeah thanks sir *salutes*

Galeforce: I'm so proud you Charlie, I'm glad you told me *hugs charles*

Ellie: we won't let you down sir or Charles *hugs charles*

Henry: we'll do everything to make you both happy *hugs charles*

Charles: thanks guys, thanks dad, this is the best day of my life *sobs tears of joy* I love you all 

Galeforce: we love you too son, why don't we all head out for dinner, my treat?

Ellie: that sounds great

Henry: I agree

Charles: of course, now we can have family time at dinner

And so they left for dinner as one big happy family

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