🔫Dmitri x galeforce🚁

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(Requested by lvlis1504)

Today was like any other day at the military, everyone was working, taking breaks and getting commands. Galeforce was in his office writing some papers until he heard a knock at his door.

Galeforce: *puts his pen down* come in *thinks: I wonder who that could be?*

When the tent door opened it revealed a man who was around the same age as galeforce but had scruffier facial features and looked over tired.

Dmitri: hey general, long time no see

Galeforce: Dmitri what are you doing here? I thought you were working at the wall and why do you look so tired?

Dmitri: I haven't seen you in a while, I still work at the wall and what are you talking about? I'm not tired

Galeforce: listen I think you need a break since you look exhausted *gets up from his desk and walks towards Dmitri*

Dmitri: I-I'm f- *faints*

Galeforce: *catches him* it's gonna be ok Dmitri, I'm gonna take good care of you *carries him to the medical tent*

(At the medical tent)

Dmitri: w-where I'm I?

Dr. Vinschpinsilstien: your in the military medical tent, you passed out for a few hours but you seem to be ok now

Dmitri: thank you doctor 

Dr. Vinschpinsilstien: the general is waiting you outside, I'll bring him in *walks out and brings galeforce in*

Galeforce: Dmitri, I'm so glad your ok, how do you feel?

Dmitri: great actually, I'm sorry I passed out in front of you

Galeforce: it's ok, as long as your ok now that's all that matters but I just gotta ask, have you been over working yourself?

Dmitri: y-yes I have, it's just been so busy at the wall, prisoners escaping a lot, lots of more paperwork, it's more busy than usual which made me more exhausted.

Galeforce: I got an idea, it always worked with Charles when ever he overworked *begins tickling his sides gently*

Dmitri: w-what are you doing? *snickers*

Galeforce: well I figured that since you wouldn't take a break, I thought you could have a little bit of laughter *tickled his sides at normal speed*

Dmitri: hahahaha s-stop it hahahahaha!!! I don't need tickles

Galeforce: well whether you want them or not, your still getting them so let your self feel relaxed  *tickles him a little bit faster*


Galeforce: that's good to hear Dmitri *keeps tickling*

For the next few minutes galeforce made Dmitri the happiest he has ever been for a while, after a  while he stopped the tickling and began to talk to Dmitri again. 

Galeforce: so Dmitri, how do you feel now?

Dmitri: I feel a little happier that usual and I do feel peaceful

Galeforce: good to know that my tickling method worked for you, do you want me to call Grigori to pick you up while you grab something to eat?

Dmitri: ok   You do that, I'll grab some food to eat *gets up and heads over to the food tent*

While Grigori was on his way to the military camp Dmitri was eating a nice meal since he didn't eat since he passed out for a few hours, after half an hour of waiting Grigori finally arrived in his helicopter to pick him up. 

Grigori: thanks for taking good care of him, he barely got any rest at all

Galeforce: no problem, be sure to change schedules so you both get enough rest

Dmitri: Im ready to go, thank you for caring about my health and safety *gets in the helicopter*

Galeforce: happy to help out Dmitri, I'll see you soon 

Dmitri and Grigori: bye!!! *gets in the helicopter and flies away*

Galeforce: bye!!! *waves goodbye*

And so Dmitri and Grigori headed back to the wall with brand new schedules that with make their health better.

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