🎩Sven x henry🎩💎???

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(Requested by ikristareinhardt)

Today was like any other day in the orbital station working, chatting and making sure everything is ok. Sven is finishing the last of the papers that were given to him but right after he's done he decided to visit Henry.

Sven: and done *places pen back on desk* now I can go see Henry and hang out with him*grabs his radio* hey Henry I finished the papers and I'm now coming to see you.

Henry: ok I'll see you there Sven *hangs up*

Sven: ok see you there Henry *hanged up his radio and runs to his office but trips and lands on the floor* OWWWWWWWW that hurts

???: are you ok?

Sven: im so s-sorry I di- AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH 

Among Henry: Sven calm down, I'm not gonna hurt you

Sven: Henry?  Is that you?! Why did you get so small?!

Among Henry: I'm not your Henry, you accidentally fell through a portal into my world

Sven: oh have I? Wait how do I go back?!

Among Henry: unfortunately the portals arrive at random times here so it my be a while before you can go back

Sven: oh ok but I really wanna see my Henry, not that your bad or anything

Among Henry: hey since your Sven, can I try something with you for a bit?

Sven: um sure, I don't see why not, let's go

Among Henry: ok lets head over there right now *leads sven*

Sven: where to little Henry? I'm kinda curious of where your taking me to?

Among Henry: you'll see, now let's go, I don't wanna ruin the surprise now would I?

The little Henry lead Sven to a room which was nearby 

Sven: oh is this the medical bay? I've had one where I'm from except we don't have that *points at the scanner*

Among Henry: oh that's our med bay scanner, we use that to scan our bodies, do you wanna give it a go?

Sven: ok I'll give it a try I suppose *steps on the scanner*

Among Henry: now let's begin *pushes button on wall*

Sven: *ceiling handcuffs cuff his arms and the scanner strapped his feet* W-WHATS GOING ON?! WHY IM I TIED UP?! AND WHY ARE MY FEET PINNED TO THE GROUND!?

Among Henry: don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you, I just wanna test something out *pushes another button which activates hands that start tickling sven*

Sven: hahahahaha why I'm I being t-tickled?! Hahahahaha 

Among Henry: uh so you are just like my version of Sven 

Sven: I-it tickles too much hahahahaha *struggles to escape*

Among Henry: oh come on, just a little longer

Sven: oh ok but only for a few minutes, who knows when my home portal will show up *giggles*

Among Henry: actually we do get an alarm when the portal arrives so don't worry

Sven: well if you say so, then o- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA WHY IM I SO TICKLISH!!!

Sven kept getting tickled for the next 7 minutes up until they heard the alarm go off

Among Henry: welp time for you to go *presses the button* now let's go 

Both now make their way to the portal

Sven: thanks for the fun little Henry, i won't forget this *walks through the portal and arrives back on the orbital station* oh I'm back in the station

???: Sven? Is that you?

Sven: oh Henry, good to see you sir

Henry: I wondered where you went off to, where were you?

Sven: it's a long story, but I'm ok

Henry: hey since it's a bit chilly do you wanna hang out and have hot chocolate with me?

Sven: wow Henry, I'd love to *hugs*

Henry: that's great let's head over right now

And so the two had hot chocolate while looking at the beautiful stars 

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