💎Henry x burt🎩🎧 (non romantic)

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(Requested by thatmagicalunicow)

Henry just got back with the elite squad in the clan from a mission, Burt just beamed them up and they now are storing the gold in the treasure room. Burt feels happy for Henry that he can have fun with others but Burt is always in the security room all the time so he always feels left out. He then heard a knock at his door until he heard a familiar voice.

Henry: * in front of burts door* Burt it's me, Henry can I come in?

Burt: sure come in

Henry opens the door to see burt in his chair with his coffee

Henry: hi burt, I came to see how your doing, but I was wondering something 

Burt: yeah, what is it?

Henry: since me and the others came back from a mission, I wondered if you wanted to join us?

Burt: me? I don't know henry

Henry: what do you mean Burt, your my friend, of course I want you with me, plus when was the last time we hangout?

Burt: I don't even remember, so I shouldn't be there

Henry: why not burt?

Burt: *stays silence*

Henry: come on * walks towards burt*

Burt: *nods a no*

Henry: *embraces Burt in a hug* please tell me

Burt: *sighs* fine, I don't think they would like me

Henry: aww burt, they don't hate you

Burt: but I'm not perfect like them, I can't use a gun like them, I don't get recognition and I'm not important.

Henry: that's it you asked for it *tickles burts sides*

Burt: *giggles* stop it henry  *squeaks*

Henry: but burt you need to know that you are loved by me and the clan, and if they hate you that's their loss, besides you don't even know if they hate you, so come with me and see it for yourself or else.

Burt: I- I guess you right, *hugs Henry tightly* thank you

Henry: no problem *still hugging Burt but starts tickling his sides again*

Burt: hahahahaha I-it tickles hahahahaha 

Henry: that's right burt, let that laughter out *tickles his underarms and sides*

Burt: HAHAHAHAHA st-op it HAHAHAHAHA p-please 

Henry: but I wanna hear your laugh, plus I never hear you laugh before, so please can I tickle you a little longer?

Burt: ok, but only for 5 minutes, just make it quick because I'm sensitive 

Henry: thanks burt, I'll make these 5 minutes you best moments*starts the tickling again*

So Henry starts ticking Burt for the next 5 minutes, from his sides, underarms, belly and hips, which Burt enjoyed and felt lighter than air, Henry then stopped for Burt to have a breath And let his red face change to its regular colour.

Burt: ok, I'm ready to hang out with them Henry

Henry: *holds burts hand* if you feel uncomfortable, let me know, ok?

Burt: I will, let's go

They now enter the break room where the 6 elites are

Carol: Henry there you are, where have you been?

Henry: hey guys, I was just grabbing a friend, this is burt

Burt: hi guys, is ok that I hang out with you?

Mr Macbeth: of course *pulls chair right next him* why don't you sit down?

Burt: ok *sits down*

Sven: it's ok burt, we're here for you *places hand on shoulder*

Burt: *smiles* you were right henry, they don't hate me

Albert: hate you? Why would we do that?

Burt: sorry it's just a feeling I had before coming here to see you all

Ahnoldt: don't be like that, we don't hate you

Gene: here have this * gives Burt hot chocolate*

Burt: t-thank you *sniff*

Carol: you ok burt?, are you crying?

Henry: burt?

Burt: thank you all so much* tears fall from his eyes* I'm happy to know people care about me, I love you guys.

And Burt never felt like that ever again, he has friends and he wouldn't have done it without his best friend, Henry.

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