🔦Dave x rupert🔫

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(Requested by ikristareinhardt)

It was a lovely day at the military, Rupert was finishing a mission and saw the general talking with his boyfriend, he loves it whenever Dave visits him during work and Dave would even get along with the other solders.

Rupert: hey Dave *waves*

Dave: *gasps* Rupert!!! *runs up and give him a hug* I'm so happy to see you

Rupert: awww I'm happy to see you too *kisses his cheek*

Dave: I got some good news, the general is letting you have a day off so we can hang out

Rupert: really?!

Galeforce: of course, you worked very hard Rupert so I'm letting you have the rest of the day off so you can spend time with Dave.

Rupert: *salutes* thanks sir, come on Dave let's go on a date

Dave: *blushes* a date? ok, let's go *holds Rupert's hand*

They left the military camp and soon arrived at their house to spend some time together

Dave: I thought we were going on a date?

Rupert: I know, but I think we should have a movie date night in our house

Dave: that's a great idea, I love movies I'll make the popcorn *heads into the kitchen*

Rupert: and I'll choose the movie *in mind: I'll put on dave's favourite movie*

They grabbed all the blankets and pillows around the house and used it for their movie night, while cuddling up with popcorn as they watch dave's favourite movie, titanic.

Dave: *cuddles closer to rupert* I love this movie, titanic is my favourite film *cuddles up with Rupert* thanks for choosing it.

Rupert: I knew you would, plus I love romance but especially when I'm with you

Dave: *giggles*  thanks I love you *kisses Rupert lips and then buries his face in his chest*

Rupert: I love you too Dave *wraps his arms around his sides*

Dave: *squeaks* opps

Rupert: did you just squeak Dave?

Dave: y-yes *blushes*

Rupert: awww, that's so cute of you *tickles his sides*

Dave: *giggles* Rupert it tickles

Rupert: so your ticklish? That's so adorable, I wanna hear your laughter  *starts tickling him*

Dave: hahahahaha n-not that hahahahaha 

Rupert: your so sweet *tickles his sides faster*

Dave: hahahahaha s-stop it

Rupert: but your adorable, I just wanna tickle you all day *tickles his belly*


Rupert: what, this? *tickles faster*

Dave: HAHAHAHAHA a-anything but that HAHAHAHAHA I'm super ticklish on my belly

Rupert: you shouldn't have said that *munches gently on his belly while make nom noises*


Rupert: *blushes* your so precious *kisses all over his face and then proceeds to blowing raspberries on his belly*


Rupert: ok then one more *blows raspberry*

Dave: hahahahaha ok, happy now Rupert?

Rupert: of course *giggles* your face is so red from the blushing

Dave: *blushes* oh really? It's probably from the affection you gave me, i love you rupert *kisses his lips*

Rupert: *agrees to the kiss*

A few minutes later they parted from the kiss and held each other in a warm embrace

Rupert: I love you too Dave, so shall we finish the movie?

Dave: of course

After a while, they finished their movie and started to head up to bed, they even placed all their pillows and blankets back, Dave got into the bed and snuggled up while Rupert finished brushing his teeth he then came into the bedroom to see Dave smiling at him

Dave: shall we get some sleep Rupert?

Rupert: of course *gets in the bed and cuddles up with him* I love you so much Dave *strokes his cheeks*

Dave: me too rupert, me too *snuggles in his chest and falls asleep*

Rupert smiled as Dave fell asleep, he gave him a kiss to the forehead before falling asleep into each other's arms.

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